View Source WorkOS.MFA (WorkOS SDK for Elixir v1.1.0)

This module is deprecated.



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challenge_factor(client \\ WorkOS.client(), opts)

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Creates a Challenge for an Authentication Factor.

Parameter options:

  • :authentication_factor_id - The ID of the Authentication Factor. (required)
  • :sms_template - A valid phone number for an SMS-enabled device. Required when type is sms.
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delete_factor(client \\ WorkOS.client(), authentication_factor_id)

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@spec delete_factor(WorkOS.Client.t(), String.t()) :: WorkOS.Client.response(nil)

Deletes an Authentication Factor.

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enroll_factor(client \\ WorkOS.client(), opts)

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This function is deprecated. MFA has been replaced by the User Management Multi-Factor API..

Enrolls an Authentication Factor.

Parameter options:

  • :type - The type of the factor to enroll. Only option available is totp. (required)
  • :totp_issuer - For totp factors. Typically your application or company name, this helps users distinguish between factors in authenticator apps.
  • :totp_user - For totp factors. Used as the account name in authenticator apps. Defaults to the user's email.
  • :phone_number - A valid phone number for an SMS-enabled device. Required when type is sms.
Link to this function

get_factor(client \\ WorkOS.client(), authentication_factor_id)

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Gets an Authentication Factor.

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verify_challenge(client \\ WorkOS.client(), authentication_challenge_id, opts)

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Verifies Authentication Challenge.

Parameter options:

  • :code - The 6 digit code to be verified. (required)