View Source WorkOS.Passwordless (WorkOS SDK for Elixir v1.1.0)

Manage Magic Link API in WorkOS.




Creates a Passwordless Session for a Magic Link Connection

Emails a user the Magic Link confirmation URL, given a Passwordless session ID.


Link to this function

create_session(client \\ WorkOS.client(), opts)

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Creates a Passwordless Session for a Magic Link Connection

Parameter options:

  • :type - The type of Passwordless Session to create. Currently, the only supported value is MagicLink. (required)
  • :email - The email of the user to authenticate. (required)
  • :redirect_uri - Optional parameter that a developer can choose to include in their authorization URL.
  • :expires_in - The number of seconds the Passwordless Session should live before expiring.
  • :state - Optional parameter that a developer can choose to include in their authorization URL.
Link to this function

send_session(client \\ WorkOS.client(), session_id)

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@spec send_session(WorkOS.Client.t(), String.t()) ::

Emails a user the Magic Link confirmation URL, given a Passwordless session ID.