Workspace.Export (Workspace v0.2.1)

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Helper utilities for exporting the workspace to various formats.



Returns a json representation of the given run results.

Returns a json representation of the key workspace properties.



@spec run_results_to_json(results :: [map()]) :: String.t()

Returns a json representation of the given run results.

to_json(workspace, opts \\ [])

@spec to_json(workspace :: Workspace.State.t(), opts :: keyword()) :: String.t()

Returns a json representation of the key workspace properties.

By default only the workspace_path and the projects are included.


  • :sort - if set to true projects will be sorted alphabetically. Defaults to false.
  • :relative - if paths will be relative or absolute. If set to true then workspace_path will be set to ".". Defaults to false.

Notice that skipped projects are not included.