View Source Xandra.SetKeyspace (Xandra v0.19.0)

A struct that represents the result of a USE query.

These are the public fields of this struct:

  • :keyspace - the keyspace (as a binary) that was set through the executed USE query.

  • :tracing_id - the tracing ID (as a UUID binary) if tracing was enabled, or nil if no tracing was enabled. See the "Tracing" section in Xandra.execute/4.

  • :custom_payload - the custom payload sent by the server, if present. If the server doesn't send a custom payload, this field is nil. Otherwise, it's of type Xandra.custom_payload/0. See the "Custom payloads" section in the documentation for the Xandra module.




The type for a "set keyspace" result.


@type t() :: %Xandra.SetKeyspace{
  custom_payload: Xandra.custom_payload() | nil,
  keyspace: String.t(),
  tracing_id: binary() | nil

The type for a "set keyspace" result.