XmlQuery (XmlQuery v0.2.1)

A concise API for querying XML. XML parsing is handled by Erlang/OTP’s built-in xmerl library.

Data types

All functions accept XML in the form of a string, an Xmerl.xml_attribute, an Xmerl.xml_document, an Xmerl.xml_element, an Xmler.xml_text, an XmlQuery.Element, or anything that implements the String.Chars protocol.

Query functions

all/2return all elements matching the selector
find/2return the first element that matches the selector
find!/2return the only element that matches the selector, or raise

Extraction functions

attr/2returns the attribute value as a string
text/1returns the text contents as a single string

Parsing & utility functions

parse/1parses XML into an XmlQuery.Element, XmlQuery.Attribute, or XmlQuery.Text.t()
pretty/1prettifies XML


If you use XmlQuery a lot, you may want to alias it to the recommended shortcut "Xq":

alias XmlQuery, as: Hq



Finds all elements in an XML document that match xpath, returning a list of records. Depending on the given xpath, the type of the record may be different.

Returns the value of attr from the outermost element of xml.

Finds the first element, attribute, or element text in xml that matches xpath.

Like find/2 but raises unless exactly one node is found.

Parses an XML document using :xmerl_scan.string/2, returning an XmlQuery.Element struct.

Returns xml as a prettified string.

Returns the text value of xml.


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@type xml_attribute() :: XmlQuery.Xmerl.xml_attribute()
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@type xml_binary() :: binary()
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@type xml_document() :: XmlQuery.Xmerl.xml_document()
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@type xml_element() :: XmlQuery.Xmerl.xml_element()
@type xml_text() :: XmlQuery.Xmerl.xml_text()
@type xpath() :: binary() | charlist()


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all(xml, xpath)

@spec all(xml(), xpath()) :: [XmlQuery.Element.t()]

Finds all elements in an XML document that match xpath, returning a list of records. Depending on the given xpath, the type of the record may be different.

iex> xml = ~s|<cart id="123"> <fruit name="apple" color="red"/> <fruit name="banana" color="yellow"/> </cart>|
iex> XmlQuery.all(xml, "//fruit") |> Enum.map(&to_string/1)
["<fruit name=\"apple\" color=\"red\"/>",
 "<fruit name=\"banana\" color=\"yellow\"/>"]
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attr(xml, attr)

@spec attr(xml(), String.t()) :: XmlQuery.Attribute.t() | nil

Returns the value of attr from the outermost element of xml.

iex> xml = ~s|<cart id="123"> <fruit name="apple" color="red"/> <fruit name="banana" color="yellow"/> </cart>|
iex> XmlQuery.attr(xml, :id)
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find(xml, xpath)

@spec find(xml(), xpath()) ::
  XmlQuery.Element.t() | XmlQuery.Attribute.t() | XmlQuery.Text.t() | nil

Finds the first element, attribute, or element text in xml that matches xpath.

iex> alias XmlQuery, as: Xq
iex> xml = """
...> <?xml version="1.0"?>
...> <root><child property="oldest" /><child property="youngest" /></root>
...> """
iex> %Xq.Element{name: :child, attributes: [%Xq.Attribute{value: ~c"oldest"}]} = Xq.find(xml, "//child")
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find!(xml, xpath)

Like find/2 but raises unless exactly one node is found.

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Parses an XML document using :xmerl_scan.string/2, returning an XmlQuery.Element struct.

Given an xml tuple that has already been created by :xmerl, wraps the tuple in an XmlQuery-specific struct.

iex> xml = """
...> <?xml version="1.0"?>
...> <root />
...> """
iex> %Xq.Element{name: :root} = XmlQuery.parse(xml)

iex> xml = """
...> <?xml version="1.0"?>
...> <root property="root-value" />
...> """
iex> %Xq.Attribute{name: :property, value: ~c"root-value"} = XmlQuery.find(xml, "//root/@property") |> XmlQuery.parse()
@spec pretty(xml()) :: binary()

Returns xml as a prettified string.

Elements and text nodes are sorted and indented relative to parent elements.

@spec text(xml()) :: binary()

Returns the text value of xml.

iex> xml = "<name><first>Alice</first><middle>A.</middle><last>Aliceston</last></name>"
iex> XmlQuery.text(xml)
"Alice A. Aliceston"
iex> xml |> XmlQuery.find("//name/first") |> XmlQuery.text()