Yet Another Redis client for Elixir

YAR is a Redis client written in Elixir. It is not a wrapper around the excellent Erlang client eredis, it is implemented from scratch in Elixir using elixir-socket (which is itself a wrapper around Erlang's gen_tcp) for TCP/IP communication.

This project is probably not ready for production, though I would greatly appreciate any feedback and bug reports.

If you are looking for a solid Elixir Redis client, check out exredis. exredis is a wrapper around eredis, which is an Erlang Redis client that has been around for quite some time.


Create a new Redis connection process with YAR.connect/2 and then use YAR.execute/2 to execute raw Redis commands.

{:ok, redis} = YAR.connect("localhost", 6379)
"PONG" = YAR.execute(redis, "PING")
"OK" = YAR.execute(redis, "SET FOO 1")
2 = YAR.execute(redis, "INCR FOO")
"2" = YAR.execute(redis, "GET FOO")
"OK" = YAR.execute(redis, "SET BAR BAZ")
"OK" = YAR.execute(redis, ["SET", "BAR", "BAZ"])
["2", "BAZ"] = YAR.execute(redis, "MGET FOO BAR")
{:error, "unknown command 'SUP'"} = YAR.execute(redis, "SUP")

YAR.connect/2 takes host and port as arguments, with default values of "localhost" and 6379. {:ok, redis} = Yar.connect should connect to a default local instance of redis-server on most installations. Multiple connections can be made by simply calling Yar.connect/2 multiple times.

In theory, YAR supports arbitrary Redis commands via YAR.execute/2. All of the basic return types should be supported.

YAR.execute/2 is synchronous. The underlying connection uses elixir-socket and stores the connection information in a GenServer.

The list form of execute should be favored for performance reasons. That is, YAR.execute(redis, ["GET", "FOO"]) is slightly more performant than YAR.execute(redis, "GET FOO").


YAR has built-in helpers for some Redis commands.

"OK" == YAR.set(c, "foo", "bar")
"bar" == YAR.get(c, "foo")
# note keys/values are interleaved
"OK" == YAR.mset(c, ["foo", 1, "bar", 2])
["1", "2"] == YAR.mget(c, ["foo"], ["bar"])


YAR supports simple Redis pipelining via YAR.pipeline/2. The second argument is a list of commands. The responses are returned as a list in order corresponding to the commands.

["OK", "PING"] == YAR.pipeline(redis, [["SET", "FOO", "42"], ["PING"]])
["42", "OK"] == YAR.pipeline(redis, [["GET", "FOO"], ["SET", "FOO", "1"]])


YAR supports simple Redis subscribing via YAR.subscribe/4. The first argument is a pid to receive messages, the second argument is a list of routing keys, the third and fourth arguments are the Redis host and port, respectively (default "localhost" and 5379). Messages are delivered as tuples where the first element is :yarsub and the second argument is the message string.

{:ok, subscriber_pid} = YAR.subscribe(self, ["foo"])
YAR.execute(redis, ["PUBLISH", "foo", "hullo"])
flush # => {:yarsub, "hullo"}


Launch a Redis server instance on port 5000 (redis-server -- port 5000) then run mix test.

CAUTION - The test executes FLUSHALL between test cases. DO NOT test on a production server! If you must, take care that no data is kept on a Redis instance on port 5000, or change the test port in test/yar_test.exs.


connect(host \\ "localhost", port \\ 6379)

Connect to Redis server at host:port

execute(connection, string)

Execute a Redis command

get(connection, key)

Redis GET key

mget(connection, keys)

Redis MGET keys

mset(connection, keys_values)

Redis MSET keys_values

pipeline(connection, commands)

Pipeline commands to Redis

set(connection, key, value)

Redis SET key value

subscribe(receiver, keys, host \\ "localhost", port \\ 6379)

Subscribe to a set of routing keys


value_t :: String.t | number

response_t :: String.t | integer | {:error, String.t} | [response_t]


connect(host \\ "localhost", port \\ 6379)


Connect to Redis server at host:port.

On success, returns {:ok, pid} where pid is the connection process to pass to other YAR calls.

execute(connection, string)


Execute a Redis command.

The command may be a binary ("GET FOO"), char list ('GET FOO'), or (potentially nested) list of binaries (["GET", "FOO"]) list.

get(connection, key)


Redis GET key

String interpolation is used for key.

mget(connection, keys)


Redis MGET keys

No string interpolation is performed on keys.

mset(connection, keys_values)


Redis MSET keys_values

No string interpolation is performed. keys_values is interleaved as in the syntax to MSET, e.g., YAR.mset(c, ["FOO", "FOOVALUE", "BAR", "BARVALUE"]).

pipeline(connection, commands)


Pipeline commands to Redis.

No string interpolation is performed. Results are returned as an array in order matching the commands.

set(connection, key, value)


Redis SET key value

String interpolation is used for key and value.

subscribe(receiver, keys, host \\ "localhost", port \\ 6379)


Subscribe to a set of routing keys.

Messages are delivered to the receiver pid as tuples of the form {:yarsub, "message"}.