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module callbacks

Sometimes it's necessary to execute nif code on module lifecycle events. Zigler supports binding function into these

pub and ignore

callback functions must be exported from the module nifs definition code as pub functions.

Don't forget to include any callback functions in the ignore list.

callback api

the callback system api may get revised in the future to enable better features and make the priv data system typesafe.


The load callback is triggered when the module is first loaded. This is useful for, for example, setting up global configuration for the module, and saving data to be accessed using the enif_priv_data function.

load function type signature

The type signature of the load function is expected to be:

fn (beam.env, [*c]?*anyopaque, beam.term)

The second term is a pointer to the location of the priv data. the load function can optionally set this pointer, which will enable access to that priv_data pointer via enif_priv_data.

This API may change in the future to avoid the opaque c double pointer.

defmodule ZiglerTest.LoadTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  use Zig, 
    otp_app: :zigler, 
    callbacks: [
      on_load: :load_function,
    ignore: [:load_function]

  const beam = @import("beam");
  const e = @import("erl_nif");
  const std = @import("std");

  var priv_data: u64 = undefined; 

  pub fn load_function(env: beam.env, priv_data_ptr: [*c]?*anyopaque, init_term: beam.term) c_int {
      priv_data = 47;
      priv_data_ptr.* = &priv_data;
      _ = init_term;
      _ = env;
      return 0;

  pub fn get_priv_data(env: beam.env) u64 {
      const priv_data_ptr: *u64 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(e.enif_priv_data(env)));
      return priv_data_ptr.*;

  pub fn loaded_value() u64 {
      return priv_data;

  test "module load" do
    assert 47 = loaded_value()
    assert 47 = get_priv_data()


load_nif data

The third term (init_data) is supplied on invocation of :erlang.load_nif/2.
Assigning this value is not supported in this version of zigler.


The upgrade callback is triggered when the module is upgraded from a previous version of the module during a hot swap event.

upgrade not supported

the upgrade callback is not supported in this version of zigler


The unload callback is triggered when the module is deregistered from the BEAM module catalog.

unload not supported

the unload callback is not supported in this version of zigler

adding packages

It's possible to add zig files as packages using the packages keyword option. The name of the package is the key, and the value is a tuple of the path to the zig file that acts as the package and a list of dependencies for the package.

Example extra.zig

pub const value = 47;
defmodule PackageFile do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  use Zig, 
    otp_app: :zigler,
    packages: [extra: {"test/_support/package/extra.zig", [:beam]}]

  const extra = @import("extra");

  pub fn extra_value() u64 {
    return extra.value;

  test "package file" do
    assert 47 = extra_value()