Rollbax v0.11.0 Rollbax.Logger View Source

A module that can be used to report crashes and exits to Rollbar.

In Elixir and Erlang, crashes from GenServers and other processes are reported through :error_logger. When installed, this module installs an :error_logger handler that can be used to report such crashes to Rollbar automatically.

In order to use this functionality, you must configure the :rollbax application to report crashes with:

config :rollbax, :enable_crash_reports, true

All the configuration options for reporting crashes are documented in detail below. If you are upgrading from an older version of Rollbax that used this module as a logger backend via config :logger, backends: [:console, Rollbax.Logger] this config should be removed.

Rollbax.Logger implements a mechanism of reporting based on reporters, which are modules that implement the Rollbax.Reporter behaviour. Every message received by Rollbax.Logger is run through a list of reporters and the behaviour is determined by the return value of each reporter’s Rollbax.Reporter.handle_event/2 callback:

  • when the callback returns a Rollbax.Exception struct, the exception is reported to Rollbar and no other reporters are called

  • when the callback returns :next, the reporter is skipped and Rollbax moves on to the next reporter

  • when the callback returns :ignore, the reported message is ignored and no more reporters are tried.

The list of reporters can be configured in the :reporters key in the :rollbax application configuration. By default this list only contains Rollbax.Reporter.Standard (see its documentation for more information). Rollbax also comes equipped with a Rollbax.Reporter.Silencing reporter that doesn’t report anything it receives. For examples on how to provide your own reporters, look at the source for Rollbax.Reporter.Standard.


The following reporting-related options can be used to configure the :rollbax application:

  • :enable_crash_reports (boolean) - when true, Rollbax.Logger is registered as an :error_logger handler and the whole reporting flow described above is executed.

  • :reporters (list) - a list of modules implementing the Rollbax.Reporter behaviour. Defaults to [Rollbax.Reporter.Standard].