Rollbax v0.11.0 Rollbax View Source

This module provides functions to report any kind of exception or message to Rollbar.


The :rollbax application needs to be configured properly in order to work. This configuration can be done, for example, in config/config.exs:

config :rollbax,
  access_token: "9309123491",
  environment: "production"

The following is a comprehensive list of configuration options supported by Rollbax:

  • :access_token - (binary or nil) the token needed to access the Rollbar Items API (POST). As of now, Rollbar provides several access tokens for different “parts” of their API: for this configuration option, the "post_server_item" access token is needed. This option is required only when the :enabled option is set to true, and can be nil otherwise.

  • :environment - (binary) the environment that will be attached to each reported exception.

  • :enabled - (true | false | :log) decides whether things reported with report/5 or report_message/4 are actually reported to Rollbar. If true, they are reported; if false, report/5 and report_message/4 don’t do anything; if :log, things reported with report/5 and report_message/4 are instead logged to the shell.

  • :custom - (map) a map of any arbitrary metadata you want to attach to everything reported by Rollbax. If custom data is specified in an individual call to report/5 or report_message/5 it will be merged with the global data, with the individual data taking precedence in case of conflicts. Defaults to %{}.

  • :api_endpoint - (binary) the Rollbar endpoint to report exceptions and messages to. Defaults to

  • :enable_crash_reports - see Rollbax.Logger.

  • :reporters - see Rollbax.Logger.

  • :proxy - (binary) a proxy that can be used to connect to the Rollbar host. For more information about the format of the proxy, check the proxy URL description in the hackney documentation.

Runtime configuration

Configuration can be modified at runtime by providing a configuration callback, like this:

config :rollbax,
  config_callback: {MyModule, :my_function}

In the example above, MyModule.my_function/1 will be called with the existing configuration as an argument. It’s supposed to return a keyword list representing a possibly modified configuration. This can for example be used to read system environment variables at runtime when the application starts:

defmodule MyModule do
  def my_function(config) do
    Keyword.put(config, :access_token, System.get_env("ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN"))

Logger backend

Rollbax provides a module that reports logged crashes and exits to Rollbar. For more information, look at the documentation for Rollbax.Logger.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function report(kind, value, stacktrace, custom \\ %{}, occurrence_data \\ %{}) View Source
report(:error | :exit | :throw, any(), [any()], map(), map()) :: :ok

Reports the given error/exit/throw.

kind specifies the kind of exception being reported while value specifies the value of that exception. kind can be:

  • :error - reports an exception defined with defexception. value must be an exception, or this function will raise an ArgumentError exception.

  • :exit - reports an exit. value can be any term.

  • :throw - reports a thrown term. value can be any term.

The custom and occurrence_data arguments can be used to customize metadata sent to Rollbar. custom is a map of any arbitrary metadata you want to attach to the exception being reported. occurrence_data is a map of key-value pairs where keys and values should be understood by the Rollbar POST API for items; for example, as of now Rollbar understands the "person" field and uses it to display users which an exception affected: occurrence_data can be used to attach "person" data to an exception being reported. Refer to the Rollbar API (linked above) for what keys are supported and what the corresponding values should be.

This function is fire-and-forget: it will always return :ok right away and perform the reporting of the given exception in the background so as to not block the caller.


Exceptions can be reported directly:, ArgumentError.exception("oops"), System.stacktrace())
#=> :ok

Often, you’ll want to report something you either rescued or caught. For rescued exceptions:

try do
  raise ArgumentError, "oops"
  exception ->, exception, System.stacktrace())
    # You can also reraise the exception here with reraise/2

For caught exceptions:

try do
  # or exit(:oops)
  kind, value ->, value, System.stacktrace())

Using custom data:, :oops, System.stacktrace(), %{"weather" => "rainy"})
Link to this function report_message(level, message, custom \\ %{}, occurrence_data \\ %{}) View Source
report_message(:critical | :error | :warning | :info | :debug, IO.chardata(), map(), map()) :: :ok

Reports the given message.

message will be reported as a simple Rollbar message, for example, without a stacktrace. level is the level of the message, which can be one of:

  • :critical
  • :error
  • :warning
  • :info
  • :debug

custom and occurrence_data work exactly like they do in report/5.


Rollbax.report_message(:critical, "Everything is on fire!")
#=> :ok