Using Rollbax in Plug-based applications

Plug provides the Plug.ErrorHandler plug which plays very well with Rollbax. As you can see in the documentation for Plug.ErrorHandler, this plug can be used to “catch” exceptions that happen inside a given plug and act on them. This can be used to report all exceptions happening in that plug to Rollbar. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router # or `use MyApp.Web, :router` for Phoenix apps
  use Plug.ErrorHandler

  defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do, reason, stacktrace)

Rollbax also supports attaching metadata to a reported exception as well as overriding Rollbar data for a reported exception. Both these can be used to have more detailed reports. For example, in the code snippet above, we could report the request parameters as metadata to be attached to the exception:

defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do, reason, stacktrace, %{method: conn.method})

Since Rollbar supports the concept of “request” and “server” in the Item POST API, a lot of data that Rollbar will be able to understand can be attached to a reported exceptions. These data is not referred as “custom data” but rather as occurrence data. To add data about the host, the request, and more that Rollbax understands pass them as the occurrence_data argument. For example:

defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do
  conn =
    |> Plug.Conn.fetch_cookies()
    |> Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params()

  params =
    case conn.params do
      %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :params} -> "unfetched"
      other -> other

  occurrence_data = %{
    "request" => %{
      "cookies" => conn.req_cookies,
      "url" => "#{conn.scheme}://#{}:#{conn.port}#{conn.request_path}",
      "user_ip" => List.to_string(:inet.ntoa(conn.remote_ip)),
      "headers" => Enum.into(conn.req_headers, %{}),
      "method" => conn.method,
      "params" => params,
    "server" => %{
      "pid" => System.get_env("MY_SERVER_PID"),
      "host" => "#{System.get_env("MY_HOSTNAME")}:#{System.get_env("MY_PORT")}",
      "root" => System.get_env("MY_APPLICATION_PATH"),
  }, reason, stacktrace, _custom_data = %{}, occurrence_data)

Check the documentation for the Rollbar API for all the supported values that can form a “request”.

Sensitive data

In the examples above, all parameters are fetched from the connection and forwarded to Rollbar (in the "params" key); this means that any sensitive data such as passwords or authentication keys will be sent to Rollbar as well. A good idea may be to scrub any sensitive data out of the parameters before reporting errors to Rollbar. For example:

defp handle_errors(conn, error) do
  conn =
    |> Plug.Conn.fetch_cookies()
    |> Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params()

  params =
    for {key, _value} = tuple <- conn.params, into: %{} do
      if key in ["password", "password_confirmation"] do
        {key, "[FILTERED]"}

  # Same as the examples above