absinthe v1.4.16 Absinthe.Logger View Source
Handles logging of Absinthe-specific events.
Variable filtering
Absinthe can filter out sensitive information like tokens and passwords
during logging. They are replaced by "[FILTERED]"
Use the :filter_variables
configuration setting for this module.
For example:
config :absinthe, Absinthe.Logger,
filter_variables: ["token", "password", "secret"]
With the configuration above, Absinthe will filter any variable whose name
includes the terms token
, password
, or secret
. The match is case
The default is ["token", "password"]
Pipeline display
Absinthe can optionally display the list of pipeline phases for each processed
document when logging. To enable this feature, set the :pipeline
configuration option for this module:
config :absinthe, Absinthe.Logger,
pipeline: true
The default is false
To disable Absinthe logging, set the :log
configuration option to false
config :absinthe,
log: false
The default is true
Link to this section Summary
Log a document being processed
Link to this section Functions
log_run( level :: Logger.level(), {doc :: Absinthe.Pipeline.data_t(), schema :: Absinthe.Schema.t(), pipeline :: Absinthe.Pipeline.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()} ) :: :ok
Log a document being processed.