absinthe v1.4.16 Absinthe.Type.List View Source

A wrapping type which declares the type of each item in the list.


Given a type, :item, to declare the type of a field/argument as a list of :item-typed values, you could do:

type: %Absinthe.Type.List{of_type: :item}

But normally this would be done using Absinthe.Schema.Notation.list_of/1.

type: list_of(:item)

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A defined list type


Callback implementation for c:Absinthe.Introspection.Kind.kind/0

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Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %Absinthe.Type.List{of_type: Absinthe.Type.t()}

A defined list type.

## Options

  • :of_type - The underlying, wrapped type.

Link to this section Functions

Callback implementation for c:Absinthe.Introspection.Kind.kind/0.