View Source Telemetry
Absinthe 1.5 and up uses telemetry
to instrument its activity.
Call :telemetry.attach/4
or :telemetry.attach_many/4
to attach your
handler function to any of the following event names:
[:absinthe, :execute, :operation, :start]
when the operation starts[:absinthe, :execute, :operation, :stop]
when the operation finishes[:absinthe, :subscription, :publish, :start]
when a subscription starts[:absinthe, :subscription, :publish, :stop]
when a subscription finishes[:absinthe, :resolve, :field, :start]
when field resolution starts[:absinthe, :resolve, :field, :stop]
when field resolution finishes[:absinthe, :middleware, :batch, :start]
when the batch processing starts[:absinthe, :middleware, :batch, :stop]
when the batch processing finishes
Telemetry handlers are called with measurements
and metadata
. For details on
what is passed, checkout Absinthe.Phase.Telemetry
, Absinthe.Middleware.Telemetry
and Absinthe.Middleware.Batch
For async, batch, and dataloader fields, Absinthe sends the final event when
it gets the results. That might be later than when the results are ready. If
you need to know how long the underlying operation took, you'll need to hook
telemetry up to that underlying operation. See, for example, the recommended
telemetry events in the documentation for Ecto.Repo
Interactive Telemetry
As an example, you could attach a handler in an iex -S mix
shell. Paste in:
[:absinthe, :resolve, :field, :stop]
fn event_name, measurements, metadata, _config ->
event_name: event_name,
measurements: measurements,
metadata: metadata
|> IO.inspect()
After a query is executed, you'll see something like:
event_name: [:absinthe, :resolve, :field, :stop],
measurements: %{duration: 14000},
metadata: %{
id: -576460752303351647,
middleware: [
{{Absinthe.Resolution, :call}, &MyApp.Resolvers.resolve_field/3}
resolution: :...,
start_time: 1565830447035742000
When using Opentelemetry, one usually wants to correlate spans that are created in spawned tasks with the main trace. For example, you might have a trace started in a Phoenix endpoint, and then have spans around database access.
One can correlate manually by attaching the OTel context the task function:
ctx = OpenTelemetry.Ctx.get_current()
Task.async(fn ->
# do stuff that might create spans
When using the async
and batch
middleware, the tasks are spawned by Absinthe,
so you can't attach the context manually.
Instead, you can add the :opentelemetry_process_propagator
package to your
dependencies, which has a Task.async/1
wrapper that will attach the context
automatically. If the package is installed, the middleware will use it in place
of the default Task.async/1