View Source Adbc.Column (adbc v0.7.0)
Documentation for Adbc.Column
corresponds to a column in the table. It contains the column's name, type, and
data. The data is a list of values of the column's data type.
A column that contains binary values.
A column that contains booleans.
A column that contains date represented as 32-bit signed integers in UTC.
A column that contains date represented as 64-bit signed integers in UTC.
A column that contains 128-bit decimals.
A column that contains 256-bit decimals.
Construct an array using dictionary encoding.
A column that contains durations represented as 64-bit signed integers.
A column that contains 16-bit half-precision floats.
A column that contains 32-bit single-precision floats.
A column that contains 64-bit double-precision floats.
A column that contains fixed size binaries.
Similar to list/2
, but the length of the list is the same.
A column that contains durations represented as signed integers.
A column that contains large binary values.
Similar to list/2
, but for large lists.
A column that contains UTF-8 encoded large strings.
A column that each row is a list of some type or nil.
converts a column's data from reference type to regular Elixir terms.
A column that contains signed 8-bit integers.
A column that contains signed 16-bit integers.
A column that contains 32-bit signed integers.
A column that contains 64-bit signed integers.
A column that contains UTF-8 encoded strings.
A column that contains time represented as signed integers in UTC.
A column that contains timestamps represented as signed integers in the given timezone.
Convert a list view, run-end encoding array or a dictionary to a list.
A column that contains unsigned 8-bit integers.
A column that contains unsigned 16-bit integers.
A column that contains un32-bit signed integers.
A column that contains un64-bit signed integers.
@type data_type() :: :boolean | signed_integer() | unsigned_integer() | floating() | :list | :large_list | :list_view | :large_list_view | {:fixed_size_list, s32()} | :binary | :large_binary | :string | :large_string | decimal_t() | {:fixed_size_binary, non_neg_integer()} | :struct | :date32 | :date64 | time_t() | timestamp_t() | duration_t() | interval_t() | :run_end_encoded | :dictionary
@type decimal128() :: {:decimal, 128, precision128(), integer()}
@type decimal256() :: {:decimal, 256, precision256(), integer()}
@type decimal_t() :: decimal128() | decimal256()
@type duration_t() ::
{:duration, :seconds}
| {:duration, :milliseconds}
| {:duration, :microseconds}
| {:duration, :nanoseconds}
@type floating() :: :f32 | :f64
@type interval_month() :: s32()
@type interval_t() ::
{:interval, :month} | {:interval, :day_time} | {:interval, :month_day_nano}
@type interval_unit() :: :month | :day_time | :month_day_nano
@type list_view_data_t() :: %{ validity: [boolean()], offsets: [non_neg_integer()], sizes: [non_neg_integer()], values: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() } }
@type precision128() :: 1..38
@type precision256() :: 1..76
@type s8() :: -128..127
@type s16() :: -32768..32767
@type s32() :: -2_147_483_648..2_147_483_647
@type s64() :: -9_223_372_036_854_775_808..9_223_372_036_854_775_807
@type signed_integer() :: :s8 | :s16 | :s32 | :s64
@type time32_t() :: {:time32, :seconds} | {:time32, :milliseconds}
@type time64_t() :: {:time64, :microseconds} | {:time64, :nanoseconds}
@type time_unit() :: :seconds | :milliseconds | :microseconds | :nanoseconds
@type u8() :: 0..255
@type u16() :: 0..65535
@type u32() :: 0..4_294_967_295
@type u64() :: 0..18_446_744_073_709_551_615
@type unsigned_integer() :: :u8 | :u16 | :u32 | :u64
@spec binary([iodata() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains binary values.
: A list of binary valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.binary([<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>>])
name: nil,
type: :binary,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>>]
@spec boolean([boolean()], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains booleans.
: A list of booleansopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.boolean([true, false, true])
name: nil,
type: :boolean,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [true, false, true]
@spec date32([Date.t() | s32() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains date represented as 32-bit signed integers in UTC.
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:- a
- a 32-bit signed integer representing the number of days since the Unix epoch.
- a
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec date64([Date.t() | s64() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains date represented as 64-bit signed integers in UTC.
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:- a
- a 64-bit signed integer representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
- a
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec decimal128( [Decimal.t() | integer() | nil], precision128(), integer(), Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 128-bit decimals.
: a list, each element can be either- a
- an
- a
: The precision of the decimal values; precision should be between 1 and 38scale
: The scale of the decimal valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec decimal256( [Decimal.t() | integer() | nil], precision256(), integer(), Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 256-bit decimals.
: a list, each element can be either- a
- an
- a
: The precision of the decimal values; precision should be between 1 and 76scale
: The scale of the decimal valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec dictionary( %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }, %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }, Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
Construct an array using dictionary encoding.
Dictionary encoding is a data representation technique to represent values by integers referencing a dictionary usually consisting of unique values. It can be effective when you have data with many repeated values.
Any array can be dictionary-encoded. The dictionary is stored as an optional property of an array. When a field is dictionary encoded, the values are represented by an array of non-negative integers representing the index of the value in the dictionary. The memory layout for a dictionary-encoded array is the same as that of a primitive integer layout. The dictionary is handled as a separate columnar array with its own respective layout.
As an example, you could have the following data:
Adbc.Column.string(["foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", nil, "baz"], nullable: true)
In dictionary-encoded form, this could appear as:
Adbc.Column.string(["foo", "bar", "baz"], nullable: true),
Adbc.Column.s32([0, 1, 0, 1, nil, 2], nullable: true)
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:nil
Note that each
in the list should have the same type.opts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec duration([s64() | nil], time_unit(), Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains durations represented as 64-bit signed integers.
: a list of integer values representing the time in the specified unitunit
: specify the unit of the time value, one of the following::seconds
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec f16([float() | nil | :infinity | :neg_infinity | :nan], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 16-bit half-precision floats.
: A list of 32-bit single-precision float values (will be converted to 16-bit floats in C)opts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.f16([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
name: nil,
type: :f16,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
@spec f32([float() | nil | :infinity | :neg_infinity | :nan], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 32-bit single-precision floats.
: A list of 32-bit single-precision float valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.f32([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
name: nil,
type: :f32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
@spec f64([float() | nil | :infinity | :neg_infinity | :nan], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 64-bit double-precision floats.
: A list of 64-bit double-precision float valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.f64([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
name: nil,
type: :f64,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
@spec fixed_size_binary([iodata() | nil], non_neg_integer(), Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains fixed size binaries.
Similar to binary/2
, but each binary value has the same fixed size in bytes.
: A list of binary valuesnbytes
: The fixed size of the binary values in bytesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.fixed_size_binary([<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>>], 1)
name: nil,
type: {:fixed_size_binary, 1},
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>>]
@spec fixed_size_list( [ %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() } | nil ], s32(), Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
Similar to list/2
, but the length of the list is the same.
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:nil
Note that each
in the list should have the same type and length.fixed_size
: The fixed size of the list.opts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec interval( [interval_month() | interval_day_time() | interval_month_day_nano() | nil], interval_unit(), Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains durations represented as signed integers.
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:if
:- a 32-bit signed integer representing the number of months.
:- a 2-tuple, both the number of days and the number of milliseconds are in 32-bit signed integers.
:- a 3-tuple, the number of months, days, and nanoseconds; the number of months and days are in 32-bit signed integers, and the number of nanoseconds is in 64-bit signed integers
: specify the unit of the time value, one of the following::month
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec large_binary([iodata() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains large binary values.
Similar to binary/2
, but for binary values larger than 2GB.
: A list of binary valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.large_binary([<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>>])
name: nil,
type: :large_binary,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [<<0>>, <<1>>, <<2>>]
@spec large_list( [ %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() } | nil ], Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
Similar to list/2
, but for large lists.
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:nil
Note that each
in the list should have the same type.opts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec large_string([String.t() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains UTF-8 encoded large strings.
Similar to string/2
, but for strings larger than 2GB.
: A list of UTF-8 encoded string valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.large_string(["a", "ab", "abc"])
name: nil,
type: :large_string,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: ["a", "ab", "abc"]
@spec list( [ %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() } | nil ], Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that each row is a list of some type or nil.
: a list, each element of which can be one of the following:nil
Note that each
in the list should have the same type.opts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec materialize(%Adbc.Column{ data: reference() | [reference()] | list() | map(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() } | {:error, String.t()}
converts a column's data from reference type to regular Elixir terms.
@spec s8([s8() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains signed 8-bit integers.
: A list of signed 8-bit integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.s8([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :s8,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec s16([s16() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains signed 16-bit integers.
: A list of signed 16-bit integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.s16([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :s16,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec s32([s32() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 32-bit signed integers.
: A list of 32-bit signed integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.s32([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :s32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec s64([s64() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains 64-bit signed integers.
: A list of 64-bit signed integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.s64([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :s64,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec string([String.t() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains UTF-8 encoded strings.
: A list of UTF-8 encoded string valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.string(["a", "ab", "abc"])
name: nil,
type: :string,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: ["a", "ab", "abc"]
@spec time([Time.t() | nil] | [s64() | nil], time_unit(), Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains time represented as signed integers in UTC.
:a list of
valuea list of integer values representing the time in the specified unit
Note that when using
as the unit, the time value is limited to the range of 32-bit signed integers.For
, the time value is limited to the range of 64-bit signed integers.
: specify the unit of the time value, one of the following::seconds
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec timestamp( [NaiveDateTime.t() | nil] | [s64() | nil], time_unit(), String.t(), Keyword.t() ) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains timestamps represented as signed integers in the given timezone.
:- a list of
value - a list of 64-bit signed integer values representing the time in the specified unit
- a list of
: specify the unit of the time value, one of the following::seconds
: the timezone of the timestampopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
@spec to_list(%Adbc.Column{ data: map(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
Convert a list view, run-end encoding array or a dictionary to a list.
iex> list_view = %Adbc.Column{
...> name: nil,
...> type: :list_view,
...> nullable: true,
...> metadata: nil,
...> data: %{
...> values: %Adbc.Column{
...> name: "item",
...> type: :s32,
...> nullable: false,
...> metadata: nil,
...> data: [0, -127, 127, 50, 12, -7, 25]
...> },
...> validity: [true, false, true, true, true],
...> offsets: [4, 7, 0, 0, 3],
...> sizes: [3, 0, 4, 0, 2]
...> }
...> }
name: nil,
type: :list_view,
nullable: true,
metadata: nil,
data: %{
offsets: [4, 7, 0, 0, 3],
sizes: [3, 0, 4, 0, 2],
validity: [true, false, true, true, true],
values: %Adbc.Column{
name: "item",
type: :s32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [0, -127, 127, 50, 12, -7, 25]
iex> Adbc.Column.to_list(list_view)
name: nil,
type: :list,
nullable: true,
metadata: nil,
data: [
name: "item",
type: :s32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [12, -7, 25]
name: "item",
type: :s32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [0, -127, 127, 50]
name: "item",
type: :s32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: []
name: "item",
type: :s32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: ~c"2"
@spec u8([u8() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains unsigned 8-bit integers.
: A list of unsigned 8-bit integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.u8([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :u8,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec u16([u16() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains unsigned 16-bit integers.
: A list of unsigned 16-bit integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.u16([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :u16,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec u32([u32() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains un32-bit signed integers.
: A list of un32-bit signed integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.u32([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :u32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]
@spec u64([u64() | nil], Keyword.t()) :: %Adbc.Column{ data: term(), length: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), nullable: term(), offset: term(), type: term() }
A column that contains un64-bit signed integers.
: A list of un64-bit signed integer valuesopts
: A keyword list of options
- The name of the column:nullable
- A boolean value indicating whether the column is nullable:metadata
- A map of metadata
iex> Adbc.Column.u32([1, 2, 3])
name: nil,
type: :u32,
nullable: false,
metadata: nil,
data: [1, 2, 3]