View Source amoc (amoc v3.3.0)

API module for running locally, in a non-distributed environment

Use amoc_dist module to run scenarios in a distributed environment



Dynamically add more users to a currently running scenario
Start a scenario with the given number of users and configuration

Dynamically remove more users from a currently running scenario, optionally forcibly

Restart the whole amoc supervision tree
Stop a running scenario


-type scenario() :: module().


-spec add(pos_integer()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
Dynamically add more users to a currently running scenario
Link to this function

do(Scenario, Count, Settings)

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-spec do(scenario(), non_neg_integer(), amoc_config:settings()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
Start a scenario with the given number of users and configuration
Link to this function

remove(Count, ForceRemove)

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-spec remove(pos_integer(), boolean()) -> {ok, non_neg_integer()} | {error, any()}.

Dynamically remove more users from a currently running scenario, optionally forcibly

Forcing user removal means that all users will be signal to exit in parallel, and will forcibly be killed after a short timeout (2 seconds), whether they have exited already or not.
-spec reset() -> ok | {error, term()}.
Restart the whole amoc supervision tree
-spec stop() -> ok | {error, any()}.
Stop a running scenario