View Source amoc_config_verification (amoc v3.3.0)

This module is responsible for processing scenario configuration. It applies the verification function provided in the required_variable parameter to the respective value

See also: amoc_config.



Applies the processing as provided by the required_variable list to the provided scenario config


-type error() :: {error, error_type(), reason()}.
-type error_type() :: atom().
-type maybe_update_fun() :: update_fun() | fun((_, _) -> any()).
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-type maybe_verification_fun() :: verification_fun() | fun((_) -> any()).
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-type module_configuration() :: [module_parameter()].
-type module_parameter() ::
    #module_parameter{name :: name(),
                      mod :: module(),
                      value :: value(),
                      description :: string(),
                      verification_fn :: maybe_verification_fun(),
                      update_fn :: maybe_update_fun() | read_only}.
-type name() :: atom().
-type reason() :: any().
-type settings() :: [{name(), value()}].
-type update_fun() :: fun((ParamName :: name(), NewValue :: value()) -> any()).
-type value() :: any().
-type verification_fun() ::
    fun((Value :: value()) -> boolean() | {true, NewValue :: value()} | {false, reason()}).


Link to this function

process_scenario_config(Config, Settings)

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-spec process_scenario_config(module_configuration(), settings()) ->
                           {ok, module_configuration()} | error().
Applies the processing as provided by the required_variable list to the provided scenario config