API Reference apical v0.2.1



Generates a web router from an OpenAPI document.

Error raised when the content-length header does not parse to a valid integer.

Error raised when the content-type header does not parse to a valid mimetype string.

Error raised when the content-length header is missing from the request.

Error raised when the content-type header is missing from the request.

Error raised multiple content-length headers are provided by the request.

Error raised multiple content-type headers are provided by the request.

Error raised when parameters are invalid. Note that many of the fields correspond to error parameters returned by Exonerate validators.

Error raised when the request body is too large. This could be because the payload is larger than the maximum allowed size as specified in configuration or if the request body size doesn't match the content-length header.

boilerplate code setting up a router using the Plug framework without using Phoenix. Note that although this reduces the needed dependencies, this doesn't provide you with some Phoenix affordances such as route helpers.

Plug module for parsing cookie parameters and placing them into params.

Plug module for parsing header parameters and placing them into params.

Plug module for parsing path parameters and placing them into params.

Plug module for parsing query parameters and placing them into params.

Plug module for parsing request bodies and placing them into params.

Behaviour for adapters that process request bodies and alter the conn.

Plug module which sets the private :operation_id key on the conn struct to the operationId (as an atom) that was declared in the schema.

Plug module which sets the :api_version key on the conn struct's assigns to the version string that was declared in the schema.