View Source ArangoXEcto.Schema (ArangoX Ecto v1.3.1)

This module is a helper to automatically specify the primary key.

The primary key is the Arango _key field but the _id field is also provided.

Schema modules should use this module by add use ArangoXEcto.Schema to the module. The only exception to this is if the collection is an edge collection, in that case refer to ArangoXEcto.Edge.



defmodule MyProject.Accounts.User do
  use ArangoXEcto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "users" do
    field :first_name, :string
    field :last_name, :string


  @doc false
  def changeset(app, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:first_name, :last_name])
    |> validate_required([:first_name, :last_name])

Link to this section Summary


Creates a foreign key with correct format

Defines an incoming relationship

Defines indexs for collection dynamic creation

Defines an incoming relationship of one object

Defines an outgoing relationship of one object

Defines collection options for dynamic creation

Defines an outgoing relationship of many objects

A wrapper around the Ecto.Schema.schema/2 to add the _id field

Link to this section Functions

@spec build_foreign_key(atom()) :: atom()

Creates a foreign key with correct format

Appends _id to the atom

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incoming(name, source, opts \\ [])

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Defines an incoming relationship

Behind the scenes this defines a many to many relationship so that Ecto can load the relationship using the built in functions.

The use of this function MUST be accompanied by a outgoing/3 definition in the other target node.

This will also define the __id__ field if it is not already defined so that ecto can map the relationship.



defmodule MyProject.Post do
  use ArangoXEcto.Schema

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string

    # Will use the automatically generated edge
    incoming :users, MyProject.User

    # Will use the UserPosts edge
    incoming :users, MyProject.User, edge: MyProject.UserPosts
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Defines indexs for collection dynamic creation

The available options can be found in the ArangoXEcto.Migration.Index module.



To create a generic hash index you don't need to pass the type.

indexes [
  [fields: [:email, :username]]

To create a geoJson index set the type to geo and set geoJson to true.

indexes [
  [fields: [:point], type: :geo, geoJson: true]

To create a two seperate indexes just supply them seperately.

indexes [
  [fields: [:email]],
  [fields: [:username]]
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one_incoming(name, source, opts \\ [])

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Defines an incoming relationship of one object

Unlike incoming/3, this does not create a graph relation and instead places the _id in a field. If the value passed to the name attribute is :user then the foreign key created on this schema will be :user_id and will store the full _id of that user. By storing the full _id, you are still able to perform full AQL queries.

This MUST be accompanied by a one_outgoing/3 definition in the other target schema.

Behind the scenes this injects the __id__ field to store the _id value and uses the built-in Ecto belongs_to/3 function.

Options passed to the opts attribute are passed to the belongs_to/3 definition. Refrain from overriding the :references and :foreign_key attributes unless you know what you are doing.



defmodule MyProject.Post do
  use ArangoXEcto.Schema

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string

    one_incoming :user, MyProject.User
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one_outgoing(name, target, opts \\ [])

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Defines an outgoing relationship of one object

Unlike outgoing/3, this does not create a graph relation and instead places the _id in a field in the incoming schema. This MUST be accompanied by a one_incoming/3 definition in the other target schema.

Behind the scenes this injects the __id__ field to store the _id value and uses the built-in Ecto has_one/3 function.

Options passed to the opts attribute are passed to the has_many/3 definition. Refrain from overriding the :references and :foreign_key attributes unless you know what you are doing.



defmodule MyProject.User do
  use ArangoXEcto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string

    one_outgoing :best_post, MyProject.Post
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Defines collection options for dynamic creation

When using dynamic mode for collection creation you may want to add options for when the collection is created. To add options that will be applied you pass them to as a keyword list.

The available options can be found in the ArangoXEcto.Migration.Collection module. These options also work in edge collections.



To specify a UUID as the collection key type you just supply it as the key option type.

options [
  keyOptions: %{type: :uuid}
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outgoing(name, target, opts \\ [])

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Defines an outgoing relationship of many objects

Behind the scenes this defines a many to many relationship so that Ecto can load the relationship using the built in functions.

The use of this function MUST be accompanied by a incoming/3 definition in the other target node.

This will also define the __id__ field if it is not already defined so that ecto can map the relationship.



defmodule MyProject.User do
  use ArangoXEcto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string

    # Will use the automatically generated edge
    outgoing :posts, MyProject.Post

    # Will use the UserPosts edge
    outgoing :posts, MyProject.Post, edge: MyProject.UserPosts
Link to this macro

schema(source, list)

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A wrapper around the Ecto.Schema.schema/2 to add the _id field