View Source ArkeServer.AuthController (arke_server v0.3.10)

Documentation for ArkeServer.AuthController. Used from the controller and via API not from CLI



Change user password

Reset user password

Refresh the JWT tokens. Returns 200 and the tokes if ok

Signin a user

Signin a user

Verify if the token is still valid. Returns 200 if true


Link to this function

change_password(conn, params)

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Change user password

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Link to this function

recover_password(conn, params)

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Reset user password

Refresh the JWT tokens. Returns 200 and the tokes if ok

Link to this function

reset_password(conn, params)

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Signin a user

Signin a user

Link to this function

update_member_access_time(member, args \\ [])

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Verify if the token is still valid. Returns 200 if true

  • conn => %Plug.Conn{}