View Source API Reference arke_server v0.3.15


The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on.

Documentation for ArkeServer.AuthController. Used from the controller and via API not from CLI

Module which define the Plug used for each call

Conveniences for translating and building error messages.

      Documentation for `ArkeServer.ParameterController`

Auth controller responsible for handling Ueberauth responses

Pipeline To ensure that the user is always authenticated and authorized

Plug to get the project from the request header

Plug to get a unit from the id in the url

Pipeline for all the non-authorized endpoints

Pipeline to ensure the existence of an arke user from a sso jwt token

Pipeline for all the non-authorized endpoints

Documentation for  `ArkeServer.ProjectController`.

Module to standardize the responses. The response body can be formatted as follow

Module where all the routes are defined. Too see run in the CLI: mix phx.routes ArkeServer.Router

Module with named helpers generated from ArkeServer.Router.

Available routes

Documentation for`ArkeServer.StructController

An adapter that sends email using the Mailtrap API.

An adapter that sends email using the OneSignal API.