Ash.Can (ash v3.4.57)

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Contains the Ash.can function logic.



Returns a an ok tuple if the actor can perform the action, query, or changeset, an error tuple if an error happens, and a ok tuple with maybe if maybe is set to true or not set.

Returns whether an actor can perform an action, query, or changeset.



can(action_or_query_or_changeset, domain, actor, opts \\ [])

@spec can(subject(), Ash.Domain.t(), Ash.Resource.record(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, boolean() | :maybe}
  | {:ok, boolean(), term()}
  | {:ok, boolean(), Ash.Changeset.t(), Ash.Query.t()}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}

Returns a an ok tuple if the actor can perform the action, query, or changeset, an error tuple if an error happens, and a ok tuple with maybe if maybe is set to true or not set.

You should prefer to use Ash.can/3 over this module, directly.

Note: is_maybe is set to true, if not set.

can?(action_or_query_or_changeset, domain, actor, opts \\ [])

Returns whether an actor can perform an action, query, or changeset.

You should prefer to use Ash.can?/3 over this module, directly.

Can raise an exception if return_forbidden_error is truthy in opts or there's an error.