Ash.OptionsHelpers (ash v3.4.57)

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Helpers for working with nimble options



Used to configure Spark to know that the type referenced is an Ash.Resource also using Spark.

Specifies Ash types that can be allowed when declaring a type for an attribute, calculation, aggregate, etc.

Used for marking an option as hidden so it doesn't show up as an option with Spark.



@spec ash_resource() :: {:spark, Ash.Resource}

Used to configure Spark to know that the type referenced is an Ash.Resource also using Spark.


@spec ash_type() ::
  {:spark_type, Ash.Type, :builtins, [{String.t(), String.t(), String.t()}]}

Specifies Ash types that can be allowed when declaring a type for an attribute, calculation, aggregate, etc.

hide_all_except(options, keys)

@spec hide_all_except(Keyword.t(), [atom()]) :: Keyword.t()

Used for marking an option as hidden so it doesn't show up as an option with Spark.