View Source mix ash_sqlite.rollback (ash_sqlite v0.1.3)

Reverts applied migrations in the given repository. Migrations are expected at "priv/YOUR_REPO/migrations" directory of the current application but it can be configured by specifying the :priv key under the repository configuration. Runs the latest applied migration by default. To roll back to a version number, supply --to version_number. To roll back a specific number of times, use --step n. To undo all applied migrations, provide --all.

This is only really useful if your domain or domains only use a single repo. If you have multiple repos and you want to run a single migration and/or migrate/roll them back to different points, you will need to use the ecto specific task, mix ecto.migrate and provide your repo name.


mix ash_sqlite.rollback
mix ash_sqlite.rollback -r Custom.Repo
mix ash_sqlite.rollback -n 3
mix ash_sqlite.rollback --step 3
mix ash_sqlite.rollback -v 20080906120000
mix ash_sqlite.rollback --to 20080906120000

Command line options

  • --domains - the domains who's repos should be rolledback
  • --all - revert all applied migrations
  • --step / -n - revert n number of applied migrations
  • --to / -v - revert all migrations down to and including version
  • --quiet - do not log migration commands
  • --pool-size - the pool size if the repository is started only for the task (defaults to 1)
  • --log-sql - log the raw sql migrations are running