View Source API Reference ash_sqlite v0.1.3


The AshSqlite extension gives you tools to map a resource to a sqlite database table.

A custom extension implementation.

Represents a custom index on the table backing a resource

A sqlite data layer that leverages Ecto's sqlite capabilities.

Introspection functions for

Maps to the builtin sqlite function ilike.

Maps to the builtin sqlite function like.

A behavior for sqlite-specific manual relationship functionality

Represents the configuration of a reference (i.e foreign key).

Resources that use AshSqlite.DataLayer use a Repo to access the database.

Represents a custom statement to be run in generated migrations

Sqlite specific callbacks for Ash.Type.

Mix Tasks

Create the storage for repos in all resources for the given (or configured) domains.

Drop the storage for the given repository.

Generates migrations, and stores a snapshot of your resources.

Runs the pending migrations for the given repository.

Reverts applied migrations in the given repository. Migrations are expected at "priv/YOUR_REPO/migrations" directory of the current application but it can be configured by specifying the :priv key under the repository configuration. Runs the latest applied migration by default. To roll back to a version number, supply --to version_number. To roll back a specific number of times, use --step n. To undo all applied migrations, provide --all.