View Source Assertions (Assertions v0.20.1)

Helpful assertions with great error messages to help you write better tests.



Asserts that the return value of the given expression is true.

Asserts that all maps, structs or keyword lists in list have the same value for key.

Asserts that some condition succeeds within a given timeout (in milliseconds) and sleeps for a given time between checks of the given condition (in milliseconds).

Asserts that the file at path is changed to match comparison after executing the given expression.

Asserts that the file at path is created after executing the given expression.

Asserts that the file at path is deleted after executing the given expression.

Asserts that two lists contain the same elements without asserting they are in the same order.

Asserts that two lists contain the same elements without asserting they are in the same order.

Asserts that a map is in the given list.

Asserts that two maps are equal.

Asserts that a function should raise an exception, but without forcing the user to specify which exception should be raised. This is essentially a less-strict version of assert_raise/2.

Tests that a message matching the given pattern, and only that message, is received before the given timeout, specified in milliseconds.

Asserts that the struct is present in the list.

Asserts that two structs are equal.

Asserts that the return value of the given expression is false.


@type comparison() :: (any(), any() -> boolean() | no_return())
@type comparison_or_list() :: comparison() | [any()]


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@spec assert!(Macro.expr()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that the return value of the given expression is true.

This is different than the normal behavior of assert since that will pass for any value that is "truthy" (anything other than false or nil). This is a stricter assertion, only passing if the value is true. This is very helpful for testing values that are expected to only be booleans.

This will also check specifically for nil values when using >, <, >= or <= since those frequently have unintended behavior.

iex> assert!(:a == :a)
iex> assert!(10 > 5)
iex> map = %{key: true}
iex> assert!(map.key)
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assert_all_have_value(list, key, value)

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@spec assert_all_have_value([map() | struct() | Keyword.t()], any(), any()) ::
  true | no_return()

Asserts that all maps, structs or keyword lists in list have the same value for key.

iex> assert_all_have_value([%{key: :value}, %{key: :value, other: :key}], :key, :value)

iex> assert_all_have_value([[key: :value], [key: :value, other: :key]], :key, :value)

iex> assert_all_have_value([[key: :value], %{key: :value, other: :key}], :key, :value)
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assert_async(opts \\ [], expression)

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@spec assert_async(Keyword.t(), Macro.expr()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that some condition succeeds within a given timeout (in milliseconds) and sleeps for a given time between checks of the given condition (in milliseconds).

This is helpful for testing that asynchronous operations have succeeded within a certain timeframe. This method of testing asynchronous operations is less reliable than other methods, but it can often be more useful at an integration level.

iex> Process.send_after(self(), :hello, 50)
iex> assert_async do
iex>   assert_received :hello
iex> end

iex> Process.send_after(self(), :hello, 50)
iex> assert_async(timeout: 75, sleep_time: 40) do
iex>   assert_received :hello
iex> end

iex> Process.send_after(self(), :hello, 50)
iex> try do
iex>   assert_async(timeout: 4, sleep_time: 2) do
iex>     assert_received :hello
iex>   end
iex> rescue
iex>   _ -> :failed
iex> end
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assert_changes_file(path, comparison, expression)

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@spec assert_changes_file(Path.t(), String.t() | Regex.t(), Macro.expr()) ::
  true | no_return()

Asserts that the file at path is changed to match comparison after executing the given expression.

If the file matches comparison before executing expr, this assertion will fail. The file does not have to exist before executing expr in order for this assertion to pass.

iex> path = Path.expand("../tmp/file.txt", __DIR__)
iex> result = assert_changes_file(path, "hi") do
iex>   File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(path))
iex>   File.write(path, "hi")
iex> end
iex> File.rm_rf!(Path.dirname(path))
iex> result
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assert_creates_file(path, expression)

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@spec assert_creates_file(Path.t(), Macro.expr()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that the file at path is created after executing the given expression.

iex> path = Path.expand("../tmp/file.txt", __DIR__)
iex> File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(path))
iex> result = assert_creates_file path do
iex>   File.write(path, "hi")
iex> end
iex> File.rm_rf!(Path.dirname(path))
iex> result
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assert_deletes_file(path, expression)

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@spec assert_deletes_file(Path.t(), Macro.expr()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that the file at path is deleted after executing the given expression.

iex> path = Path.expand("../tmp/file.txt", __DIR__)
iex> File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(path))
iex> File.write(path, "hi")
iex> assert_deletes_file path do
iex>   File.rm_rf!(Path.dirname(path))
iex> end
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assert_lists_equal(left, right)

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@spec assert_lists_equal(list(), list()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that two lists contain the same elements without asserting they are in the same order.

iex> assert_lists_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2])
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assert_lists_equal(left, right, comparison)

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@spec assert_lists_equal(list(), list(), comparison()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that two lists contain the same elements without asserting they are in the same order.

The given comparison function determines if the two lists are considered equal.

iex> assert_lists_equal(["dog"], ["cat"], &(is_binary(&1) and is_binary(&2)))
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assert_map_in_list(map, list, keys_or_comparison)

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@spec assert_map_in_list(map(), [map()], comparison_or_list()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that a map is in the given list.

This is either done by passing a list of keys, and the values at those keys will be compared to determine if the map is in the list.

iex> map = %{first: :first, second: :second}
iex> list = [%{first: :first, second: :second, third: :third}]
iex> keys = [:first, :second]
iex> assert_map_in_list(map, list, keys)

Or this is done by passing a comparison function that determines if the map is in the list.

If using a comparison function, the map is the first argument to that function, and the elements in the list are the second argument.

iex> map = %{first: :first, second: :second}
iex> list = [%{"first" => :first, "second" => :second, "third" => :third}]
iex> comparison = &(&1.first == &2["first"] and &1.second == &2["second"])
iex> assert_map_in_list(map, list, comparison)
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assert_maps_equal(left, right, keys_or_comparison)

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@spec assert_maps_equal(map(), map(), comparison_or_list()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that two maps are equal.

Equality can be determined in two ways. First, by passing a list of keys. The values at these keys will be used to determine if the maps are equal.

iex> left = %{first: :first, second: :second, third: :third}
iex> right = %{first: :first, second: :second, third: :fourth}
iex> keys = [:first, :second]
iex> assert_maps_equal(left, right, keys)

The second is to pass a comparison function that returns a boolean that determines if the maps are equal. When using a comparison function, the first argument to the function is the left map and the second argument is the right map.

iex> left = %{first: :first, second: :second, third: :third}
iex> right = %{"first" => :first, "second" => :second, "third" => :fourth}
iex> comparison = &(&1.first == &2["first"] and &1.second == &2["second"])
iex> assert_maps_equal(left, right, comparison)
@spec assert_raise((... -> any())) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that a function should raise an exception, but without forcing the user to specify which exception should be raised. This is essentially a less-strict version of assert_raise/2.

iex> assert_raise(fn -> String.to_existing_atom("asleimflisesliseli") end)
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assert_receive_only(pattern, timeout \\ 100)

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@spec assert_receive_only(Macro.expr(), non_neg_integer()) :: any() | no_return()

Tests that a message matching the given pattern, and only that message, is received before the given timeout, specified in milliseconds.

The optional second argument is a timeout for the receive to wait for the expected message, and defaults to 100ms.


iex> send(self(), :hello)
iex> assert_receive_only(:hello)

iex> send(self(), [:hello])
iex> assert_receive_only([_])

iex> a = :hello
iex> send(self(), :hello)
iex> assert_receive_only(^a)

iex> send(self(), :hello)
iex> assert_receive_only(a when is_atom(a))
iex> a

iex> send(self(), %{key: :value})
iex> assert_receive_only(%{key: value} when is_atom(value))
iex> value

If a message is received after the assertion has matched a message to the given pattern, but the second message is received before the timeout, that second message is ignored and the assertion returns true.

This assertion only tests that the message that matches the given pattern was the first message in the process inbox, and that nothing was sent between the sending the message that matches the pattern and when assert_receive_only/2 was called.

iex> Process.send_after(self(), :hello, 20)
iex> Process.send_after(self(), :hello_again, 50)
iex> assert_receive_only(:hello, 100)
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assert_struct_in_list(struct, list, keys_or_comparison)

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@spec assert_struct_in_list(struct(), [struct()], comparison_or_list()) ::
  true | no_return()

Asserts that the struct is present in the list.

There are two ways to make this comparison. First is to pass a list of keys to use to compare the struct to the structs in the list.

iex> now = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> list = [DateTime.utc_now(), Date.utc_today()]
iex> keys = [:year, :month, :day]
iex> assert_struct_in_list(now, list, keys)

The second way to use this assertion is to pass a comparison function.

When using a comparison function, the struct is the first argument to that function and the elements in the list will be the second argument.

iex> now = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> list = [DateTime.utc_now(), Date.utc_today()]
iex> assert_struct_in_list(now, list, &(&1.year == &2.year))
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assert_structs_equal(left, right, keys_or_comparison)

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@spec assert_structs_equal(struct(), struct(), comparison_or_list()) ::
  true | no_return()

Asserts that two structs are equal.

Equality can be determined in two ways. First, by passing a list of keys. The values at these keys and the type of the structs will be used to determine if the structs are equal.

iex> left = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> right = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> keys = [:year, :minute]
iex> assert_structs_equal(left, right, keys)

The second is to pass a comparison function that returns a boolean that determines if the structs are equal. When using a comparison function, the first argument to the function is the left struct and the second argument is the right struct.

iex> left = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> right = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> comparison = &(&1.year == &2.year and &1.minute == &2.minute)
iex> assert_structs_equal(left, right, comparison)
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@spec refute!(Macro.expr()) :: true | no_return()

Asserts that the return value of the given expression is false.

This is different than the normal behavior of refute/1 since that will pass if the value is either false or nil. This is a stricter assertion, only passing if the value is false. This is very helpful for testing values that are expected to only be booleans.

This will also check specifically for nil values when using >, <, >= or <= since those frequently have unintended behavior.

iex> refute!(5 > 10)
iex> refute!("a" == "A")