Auth.Apikey (auth v1.6.6)

Defines apikeys schema and CRUD functions

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create_api_key/1 uses the encrypt_encode/1 to create an API Key that is just two strings joined with a forwardslash ("/"). This allows us to use a single environment variable.

decode_decrypt/1 accepts a key and attempts to Base58.decode followed by AES.decrypt it. If decode or decrypt fails, return 0 (zero).

encrypt_encode/1 does exactly what it's name suggests, AES Encrypts a string of plaintext and then Base58 encodes it. We encode it using Base58 so it's human-friendly (readable).

Updates a apikey.

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changeset(apikey, attrs)

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create_api_key/1 uses the encrypt_encode/1 to create an API Key that is just two strings joined with a forwardslash ("/"). This allows us to use a single environment variable.

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decode_decrypt/1 accepts a key and attempts to Base58.decode followed by AES.decrypt it. If decode or decrypt fails, return 0 (zero).

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encrypt_encode/1 does exactly what it's name suggests, AES Encrypts a string of plaintext and then Base58 encodes it. We encode it using Base58 so it's human-friendly (readable).

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update_apikey(apikey, attrs)

Updates a apikey.



iex> update_apikey(apikey, %{field: new_value})
{:ok, %Apikey{}}

iex> update_apikey(apikey, %{field: bad_value})
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}