View Source Avrora.Storage.Memory (avrora v0.28.0)

Avora.Storage behavior implementation which uses memory (ETS).

Schemas can be accessed by integer id or full name.



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Delete data from storage by key. Always succeeds, whether or not the key exists.

Tell storage module to delete data after TTL (time to live) expires. Works whether or not the key exists. TTL is in milliseconds.

Complete clean up of the storage. Useful for testing.

Get schema by key.

Store schema by key. If value already exists it will be replaced.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Delete data from storage by key. Always succeeds, whether or not the key exists.


iex> _ = Avrora.Storage.Memory.start_link()
iex> schema = %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.put("my-key", schema)
{:ok, %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("my-key")
{:ok, %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.delete("my-key")
{:ok, true}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("my-key")
{:ok, nil}

Tell storage module to delete data after TTL (time to live) expires. Works whether or not the key exists. TTL is in milliseconds.


...> _ = Avrora.Storage.Memory.start_link()
...> schema = %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}
...> Avrora.Storage.Memory.put("my-key", schema)
{:ok, %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}}
...> {:ok, _} = Avrora.Storage.Memory.expire("my-key", 100)
...> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("my-key")
{:ok, %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}}
...> Process.sleep(200)
...> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("my-key")
{:ok, nil}

Complete clean up of the storage. Useful for testing.


iex> _ = Avrora.Storage.Memory.start_link()
iex> schema = %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.put("my-key", schema)
{:ok, %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}}
iex> {:ok, _} = Avrora.Storage.Memory.flush()
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("my-key")
{:ok, nil}

Get schema by key.


iex> _ = Avrora.Storage.Memory.start_link()
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.put("my-key", %{"hello" => "world"})
{:ok, %{"hello" => "world"}}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("my-key")
{:ok, %{"hello" => "world"}}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.get("unknown-key")
{:ok, nil}

Store schema by key. If value already exists it will be replaced.


iex> _ = Avrora.Storage.Memory.start_link()
iex> schema = %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}
iex> Avrora.Storage.Memory.put("my-key", schema)
{:ok, %Avrora.Schema{id: nil, json: "{}"}}