View Source Bandit.PhoenixAdapter (Bandit v1.5.7)

A Bandit adapter for Phoenix.

This adapter provides out-of-the-box support for all aspects of Phoenix 1.7 and later. Earlier versions of Phoenix will work with this adapter, but without support for WebSockets.

To use this adapter, your project will need to include Bandit as a dependency:

{:bandit, "~> 1.0"}

Once Bandit is included as a dependency of your Phoenix project, add the following adapter: line to your endpoint configuration in config/config.exs, as in the following example:

# config/config.exs

config :your_app, YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
  adapter: Bandit.PhoenixAdapter, # <---- ADD THIS LINE
  url: [host: "localhost"],
  render_errors: ...

That's it! After restarting Phoenix you should see the startup message indicate that it is being served by Bandit, and everything should 'just work'. Note that if you have set any exotic configuration options within your endpoint, you may need to update that configuration to work with Bandit; see below for details.

Endpoint configuration

This adapter supports the standard Phoenix structure for endpoint configuration. Top-level keys for :http and :https are supported, and configuration values within each of those are interpreted as raw Bandit configuration as specified by Bandit.options/0. Bandit's confguration supports all values used in a standard out-of-the-box Phoenix application, so if you haven't made any substantial changes to your endpoint configuration things should 'just work' for you.

In the event that you have made advanced changes to your endpoint configuration, you may need to update this config to work with Bandit. Consult Bandit's documentation at Bandit.options/0 for details.

It can be difficult to know exactly where to put the options that you may need to set from the ones available at Bandit.options/0. The general idea is that anything inside the http: or https: keyword lists in your configuration are passed directly to Bandit.start_link/1, so an example may look like so:

# config/{dev,prod,etc}.exs

config :your_app, YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
  http: [
    ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
    port: 4000,
    thousand_island_options: [num_acceptors: 123],
    http_options: [log_protocol_errors: false],
    http_1_options: [max_requests: 1],
    websocket_options: [compress: false]

Note that, unlike the adapter: Bandit.PhoenixAdapter configuration change outlined previously, configuration of specific http: and https: values is done on a per-environment basis in Phoenix, so these changes will typically be in your config/dev.exs, config/prod.exs and similar files.



Returns the Bandit server process for the provided scheme within the given Phoenix Endpoint

Returns the bound address and port of the Bandit server process for the provided scheme within the given Phoenix Endpoint


Link to this function

bandit_pid(endpoint, scheme \\ :http)

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Returns the Bandit server process for the provided scheme within the given Phoenix Endpoint

Link to this function

server_info(endpoint, scheme)

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Returns the bound address and port of the Bandit server process for the provided scheme within the given Phoenix Endpoint