View Source bcrypt (bcrypt v1.2.2)

The OpenBSD Blowfish password hashing algorithm wrapper module.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a random string data.
Generate a random string data.
Make hash string based on Password and Salt.
Is at least one bcrypt worker currently available for work?
Get environment setting of hash generation.
Starts Applicationbcrypt. See also:application:start/1.
Stops Applicationbcrypt. See also:application:stop/1.

Link to this section Types

-type mechanism() :: nif | port.
-type pwerr() :: invalid_salt | invalid_salt_length | invalid_rounds.
-type rounds() :: 4..31.

Link to this section Functions

-spec gen_salt() -> Result when Result :: {ok, Salt}, Salt :: [byte()].
Returns a random string data.
-spec gen_salt(Rounds) -> Result when Rounds :: rounds(), Result :: {ok, Salt}, Salt :: [byte()].
Generate a random string data.
-spec hashpw(Password, Salt) -> Result
              Password :: [byte()] | binary(),
              Salt :: [byte()] | binary(),
              Result :: {ok, Hash} | {error, ErrorDescription},
              Hash :: [byte()],
              ErrorDescription :: pwerr().
Make hash string based on Password and Salt.
-spec is_worker_available() -> Result when Result :: boolean().
Is at least one bcrypt worker currently available for work?
-spec mechanism() -> mechanism().
Get environment setting of hash generation.
Starts Applicationbcrypt. See also:application:start/1.
Stops Applicationbcrypt. See also:application:stop/1.