View Source Benchee.Formatters.TaggedSave (Benchee v1.3.0)

Store the whole suite in the Erlang ExternalTermFormat while tagging the scenarios of the current run with a specified tag - can be used for storing and later loading the results of previous runs with Benchee.ScenarioLoader.

Automatically configured as the last formatter to run when specifying the save option in the configuration - see Benchee.Configuration.



Tags all scenario with the desired tag and returns it in term_to_binary along with save path.

Writes the binary returned by format/2 to the indicated location, telling you where that is.


Link to this function

format(suite, formatter_config)

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@spec format(Benchee.Suite.t(), map()) :: {binary(), String.t()}

Tags all scenario with the desired tag and returns it in term_to_binary along with save path.

@spec write(
  {binary(), String.t()},
) :: :ok

Writes the binary returned by format/2 to the indicated location, telling you where that is.