BSV.Contract.P2PK (BSV v2.0.0) View Source

Pay to Public Key contract.

P2PK scripts are used to lock Bitcoin to a public key. The Bitcoin can later be unlocked using the corresponding private key.

Lock parameters

Unlock parameters


iex> contract = P2PK.lock(1000, %{pubkey: @keypair.pubkey})
iex> Contract.to_script(contract)
%Script{chunks: [
  <<3, 248, 31, 140, 139, 144, 245, 236, 6, 238, 66, 69, 234, 177, 102, 232, 175, 144, 63, 199, 58, 109, 215, 54, 54, 104, 126, 240, 39, 135, 10, 190, 57>>,

iex> contract = P2PK.unlock(%UTXO{}, %{privkey: @keypair.privkey})
iex> Contract.to_script(contract)
%Script{chunks: [
  <<0::568>> # signatures are zero'd out until the transaction context is attached

Link to this section Summary


Returns a locking script contract with the given parameters.

Returns an unlocking script contract with the given parameters.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

lock(satoshis, params, opts \\ [])

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Returns a locking script contract with the given parameters.

Link to this function

unlock(utxo, params, opts \\ [])

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unlock(BSV.UTXO.t(), map(), keyword()) :: BSV.Contract.t()

Returns an unlocking script contract with the given parameters.