BSV.Contract.Raw (BSV v2.0.0) View Source

The Raw Script contract provides a mechanism through which pre-built scripts can be used with the BSV.TxBuilder module.


iex> builder = %TxBuilder{
...>   outputs: [
...>     Raw.lock(10_000, %{script: Script.from_binary!(@p2pkh_hex, encoding: :hex)})
...>   ]
...> }
iex> TxBuilder.to_tx(builder)
  inputs: [],
  outputs: [
      satoshis: 10000,
      script: %BSV.Script{
        chunks: [
          <<16, 189, 203, 163, 4, 27, 94, 85, 23, 165, 143, 46, 64, 82, 147, 193, 74, 124, 112, 193>>,
        coinbase: nil

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Returns a locking script contract with the given parameters.

Returns an unlocking script contract with the given parameters.

Link to this section Functions

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lock(satoshis, params, opts \\ [])

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Returns a locking script contract with the given parameters.

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unlock(utxo, params, opts \\ [])

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unlock(BSV.UTXO.t(), map(), keyword()) :: BSV.Contract.t()

Returns an unlocking script contract with the given parameters.