Canary.Utils (canary v2.0.0-dev)

Common utils functions for Canary.Plugs and Canary.Hooks



Check if an action is valid based on the options.

Apply the error handler to the connection or socket

Check if the not_found handler should be applied for given action, assigns and options

Get the resource id from the connection params

Get the resource name from the options, covert it to atom and pluralize it if needed - only for :index action.

Returns the :non_id_actions option if it is present

Preload associations if needed

Check if a key is present in a keyword list


action_valid?(action, opts)

(since 2.0.0)
@spec action_valid?(atom(), Keyword.t()) :: boolean()

Check if an action is valid based on the options.

iex> Canary.Utils.action_valid?(:index, only: [:index, :show])

iex> Canary.Utils.action_valid?(:index, except: :index)

iex> Canary.Utils.action_valid?(:show, except: :index, only: :show)
  ** (ArgumentError) You can't use both :except and :only options

apply_error_handler(conn_or_socket, handler_key, opts)

(since 2.0.0)
@spec apply_error_handler(Plug.Conn.t(), atom(), Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
@spec apply_error_handler(Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), atom(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:halt, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}

Apply the error handler to the connection or socket

apply_handle_not_found?(action, assigns, opts)

(since 2.0.0)
@spec apply_handle_not_found?(action :: atom(), assigns :: map(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Check if the not_found handler should be applied for given action, assigns and options

get_resource_id(params, opts)

(since 2.0.0)
@spec get_resource_id(Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | nil
@spec get_resource_id(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Get the resource id from the connection params

iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_id(%{"id" => "9"}, [])

iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_id(%Plug.Conn{params: %{"custom_id" => "1"}}, id_name: "custom_id")

iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_id(%{"user_id" => "7"}, id_name: "user_id")

iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_id(%{"other_id" => "9"}, id_name: "id")

get_resource_name(action, opts)

(since 2.0.0)

Get the resource name from the options, covert it to atom and pluralize it if needed - only for :index action.

If the :as option is provided, it will be used as the resource name.

  iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_name(:show, model: MyApp.Post)

  iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_name(:index, model: MyApp.Post)

  iex> Canary.Utils.get_resource_name(:index, model: MyApp.Post, as: :my_posts)


(since 2.0.0)

Returns the :non_id_actions option if it is present


(since 2.0.0)

preload_if_needed(records, repo, opts)

(since 2.0.0)
@spec preload_if_needed(nil, Ecto.Repo.t(), Keyword.t()) :: nil
@spec preload_if_needed([Ecto.Schema.t()], Ecto.Repo.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [

Preload associations if needed


(since 2.0.0)
@spec required?(Keyword.t()) :: boolean()

Check if a key is present in a keyword list