Upgrade guides

Upgrading from Canary 1.2.0 to 2.0.0

Update Your Non-ID Actions

Since 2.0.0, the :persisted and :non_id_actions options have been deprecated and will be removed in Canary 2.1.0.

You need to update plug calls. Using :authorize_resource for actions where there is no actual load action is more explicit.

Let's assume you currently have the following plug call:

  plug :load_and_authorize_resource,
    model: Network,
    non_id_actions: [:index, :create, :new],
    preload: [:hypervisor]

Now let's break it apart:

  plug :authorize_resource,
    model: Network,
    only: [:index, :create, :new],
    required: false

  plug :load_and_authorize_resource,
    model: Network,
    except: [:index, :create, :new],
    preload: [:hypervisor]

For non-ID actions, there is a separate plug for authorization. The required: false option marks the resource as optional during authorization checks, and the model module name is used. Essentially, this is how :non_id_actions worked. For actions other than :index, :create, and :new, it will load and authorize resources as usual. To load all resources in the :index action, you can set up a plug or add the load function directly in index/2.

  # using a plug

  plug :load_all_resources when action in [:index]
  defp load_all_resources(conn, _opts) do
    assign(:networks, Hypervisors.list_hypervisor_networks(hypervisor))

  # directly in the controller action

  def index(conn, _params) do
    networks = Hypervisors.list_hypervisor_networks(hypervisor)
    render(conn, "index.html", networks: networks)

Remove :persisted option

With the update non-id action the :persisted is no longer required.