View Source Cmp.Comparable protocol (Cmp v0.1.2)

A protocol to define how elements of a type can be compared.

The simplest way to define it for a custom struct is to use @derive based on semantical comparison of fields, in the given order:

defmodule MyStruct do
  @derive {Cmp.Comparable, using: [:date, :id]}

  defstruct [:id, :date]

  %MyStruct{date: ~D[2020-03-02], id: 100},
  %MyStruct{date: ~D[2020-03-02], id: 101},
  %MyStruct{date: ~D[2019-06-06], id: 300}
  %MyStruct{date: ~D[2019-06-06], id: 300},
  %MyStruct{date: ~D[2020-03-02], id: 100},
  %MyStruct{date: ~D[2020-03-02], id: 101}

For existing structs that are already implementing a compare/2 function returning :eq | :lt | :gt, the protocol can simply be done by passing using: :compare.

require Protocol
Protocol.derive(Cmp.Comparable, MyStruct, using: :compare)

This is already done for the following modules:

Link to this section Summary



Type of an element implementing the Comparable protocol.


Defines how to semantically compare two elements of a given type.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: term()

Type of an element implementing the Comparable protocol.

Link to this section Functions

@spec compare(t(), t()) :: :eq | :lt | :gt

Defines how to semantically compare two elements of a given type.

This should return:

  • :eq if left == right
  • :lt if left < right
  • :gt if left > right