Coherence.ConfirmableService (Coherence v0.8.0)

Confirmable allows users to confirm a new account.

When enabled, newly created accounts are emailed send a confirmation email with a confirmation link. Clicking on the confirmation link enables the account.

Access to the account is disabled until the account is enabled, unless the the allow_unconfirmed_access_for option is configured. If the account is not confirmed before the confirmation_token_expire_days configuration days expires, a new confirmation must be sent.

Confirmable adds the following database columns to the user model:

  • :confirmation_token - a unique token required to confirm the account
  • :confirmed_at - time and date the account was confirmed
  • :confirmation_sent_at - the time and date the confirmation token was created

The following configuration is used to customize confirmable behavior:

  • :confirmation_token_expire_days - number days to allow confirmation. default 5 days
  • :allow_unconfirmed_access_for - number of days to allow login access to the account before confirmation. default 0 (disabled)



Confirm a user account.

Confirm a user account.

Checks if the user has been confirmed.

Checks if the confirmation token has expired.

Checks if the user can access the account before confirmation.


@spec confirm(Ecto.Schema.t()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()

Confirm a user account.

Adds the :confirmed_at datetime field on the user model.

deprecated! Please use Coherence.ControllerHelpers.unlock!/1.

@spec confirm!(Ecto.Schema.t()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t() | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Confirm a user account.

Adds the :confirmed_at datetime field on the user model.

deprecated! Please use Coherence.ControllerHelpers.unlock!/1.

Link to this function


@spec confirmed?(Ecto.Schema.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the user has been confirmed.

Returns true if confirmed, false otherwise

@spec expired?(Ecto.Schema.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the confirmation token has expired.

Returns true when the confirmation has expired.

Link to this function


@spec unconfirmed_access?(Ecto.Schema.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the user can access the account before confirmation.

Returns true if the unconfirmed access has not expired.