Coherence.InvitationController (Coherence v0.8.0)

Handle invitation actions.

Handle the following actions:

  • new - render the send invitation form.
  • create - generate and send the invitation token.
  • edit - render the form after user clicks the invitation email link.
  • create_user - create a new user database record
  • resend - resend an invitation token email



Generate and send an invitation token.

Create a new user action.

Render the create user template.

Render the new invitation form.

Resent an invitation


@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t()
@type params() :: map()
@type schema() :: Ecto.Schema.t()


Link to this function

create(conn, params)

@spec create(conn(), params()) :: conn()

Generate and send an invitation token.

Creates a new invitation token, save it to the database and send the invitation email.

Link to this function

create_user(conn, params)

@spec create_user(conn(), params()) :: conn()

Create a new user action.

Create a new user based from an invite token.

Link to this function

do_insert(conn, changeset, url, params, email)

Link to this function

edit(conn, params)

@spec edit(conn(), params()) :: conn()

Render the create user template.

Sets the name and email address in the form based on what was entered when the invitation was sent.

Link to this function

new(conn, params)

@spec new(conn(), params()) :: conn()

Render the new invitation form.

Link to this function

resend(conn, params)

@spec resend(conn(), params()) :: conn()

Resent an invitation

Resent the invitation based on the invitation's id.