View Source ConfigCat.User (ConfigCat v4.0.2)

Represents a user in your system; used for ConfigCat's Targeting feature.

The User Object is an optional parameter when getting a feature flag or setting value from ConfigCat. It allows you to pass potential Targeting rule variables to the ConfigCat SDK.

Has the following properties:

  • identifier: REQUIRED We recommend using a primary key, email address, or session ID. Enables ConfigCat to differentiate your users from each other and to evaluate the setting values for percentage-based targeting.

  • country: OPTIONAL Fill this for location or country-based targeting. e.g: Turn on a feature for users in Canada only.

  • email: OPTIONAL By adding this parameter you will be able to create Email address-based targeting. e.g: Only turn on a feature for users with addresses.

  • custom: OPTIONAL This parameter will let you create targeting based on any user data you like. e.g: age, subscription type, user role, device type, app version number, etc. custom is a map containing string or atom keys. When evaluating targeting rules, keys are case-sensitive, so make sure you specify your keys with the same capitalization as you use when defining your targeting rules.

All comparators support string values as User Object attributes (in some cases they need to be provided in a specific format though, see below), but some of them also support other types of values. It depends on the comparator how the values will be handled. The following rules apply:

Text-based comparators (EQUALS, IS_ONE_OF, etc.)

  • accept string values,
  • all other values are automatically converted to string (a warning will be logged but evaluation will continue as normal).


  • accept string values containing a properly formatted, valid semver value
  • all other values are considered invalid (a warning will be logged and the currently evaluated targeting rule will be skipped).


  • accept float values and all other numeric values which can safely be converted to float,
  • accept string values containing a properly formatted, valid float value,
  • all other values are considered invalid (a warning will be logged and the currently evaluated targeting rule will be skipped).

Date time-based comparators (BEFORE_DATETIME / AFTER_DATETIME)

  • accept DateTime and NaiveDateTime values, which are automatically converted to a second-based fractional Unix timestamp (NaiveDateTime values are considered to be in UTC),
  • accept float values representing a fractional second-based Unix timestamp and all other numeric values which can safely be converted to float,
  • accept string values containing a properly formatted, valid float value,
  • all other values are considered invalid (a warning will be logged and the currently evaluated targeting rule will be skipped).

String array-based comparators (ARRAY_CONTAINS_ANY_OF / ARRAY_NOT_CONTAINS_ANY_OF)

  • accept arrays of strings,
  • accept string values containing a valid JSON string which can be deserialized to an array of strings,
  • all other values are considered invalid (a warning will be logged and the currently evaluated targeting rule will be skipped).

While ConfigCat.User is a struct, we also provide the new/2 function to make it easier to create a new user object. Pass it the identifier and then either a keyword list or map containing the other properties you want to specify.

e.g."IDENTIFIER", email: "")



Custom properties for additional targeting options.

Additional values for creating a User struct.


The ConfigCat user object.


Creates a new ConfigCat.User Object.


@type custom() :: %{optional(String.t() | atom()) => String.t()}

Custom properties for additional targeting options.

Can use either atoms or strings as keys; values must be strings. Keys are case-sensitive and must match the targeting rule exactly.

@type options() :: keyword() | map()

Additional values for creating a User struct.

Can be either a keyword list or a maps, but any keys that don't match the field names of t:t() will be ignored.

@type t() :: %ConfigCat.User{
  country: String.t() | nil,
  custom: custom(),
  email: String.t() | nil,
  identifier: String.t()

The ConfigCat user object.


Link to this function

new(identifier, other_props \\ [])

View Source
@spec new(String.t(), options()) :: t()

Creates a new ConfigCat.User Object.

This is provided as a convenience to make it easier to create a new user object.

Pass it the identifier and then either a keyword list or map containing the other properties you want to specify.

e.g."IDENTIFIER", email: "")