View Source Contentful.Query (Contentful SDK v0.6.0)
This module provides the chainable query syntax for building queries against the APIs of Contentful.
The chains will then be serialized to a URL and send to the API. A basic query looks like this:
|> skip(3)
|> limit(2)
|> fetch_all
wherein Entity
is one of the modules that exhibit Contentful.Queryable
behaviour, such as
, Contentful.Delivery.Assets
and Contentful.Delivery.ContentTypes
As an example, querying all entries of a given Contentful.Space
(represented by its space_id
) can
be done as follows:
|> Contentful.Query.fetch_all(space_id)
Link to this section Summary
Returns the filter modifiers supported byt the Query syntax
Adds a filter condition to the query.
adds a content_type
parameter for filtering sets of Contentful.Entry
by a Contentful.ContentType
, effectively allowing for scoping by content type.
will resolve a query chain by eagerly calling the API and resolving the response immediately
will resolve a query chain by eagerly calling the API asking for one entity
adds the include
parameter to a query.
adds the limit
parameter to a call, limiting the amount of entities returned.
The caller will still retreive the total amount of entities, if successful.
allows for full text search over all entries fields. The original nomenclature fromthe API docs is query
adds the skip
parameter to API calls, allowing to skip over a number of entities, effectively
allowing the implementation of pagination if desired.
will resolve a query chain by constructing a Stream.resource
around a possible API response
allowing for lazy evaluation of queries. Cann be helpful with translating collection calls of
unknown size.
Link to this section Functions
@spec allowed_filter_modifiers() :: list()
Returns the filter modifiers supported byt the Query syntax
Adds a filter condition to the query.
This will work for Entries requiring a call to content_type
import Contentful.Query
alias Contentful.Delivery.Entries
{:ok, entries, total: 1}
= Entries
|> content_type("dogs")
|> by(name: "Hasso", breed: "dalmatian")
|> fetch_all
This will also allow for more complex queries using modifiers:
import Contentful.Query
alias Contentful.Delivery.Entries
{:ok, entries, total: 100}
= Entries
|> content_type("dogs")
|> by(name: [ne: "Hasso"], breed: "dalmatian")
|> fetch_all
Allowed modifiers are [:in, :nin, :ne, :lte, :gte, :lt, :gt, :match, :exist]
. See the
official docs
for adding search parameters this way.
Working with Contentful.Delivery.Assets
requires no content_type
import Contentful.Query
alias Contentful.Delivery.Assets
{:ok, assets, total: 1} = Assets |> by(id: "foobar") |> fetch_all
Calling by/2
allows for adding multiple conditions to the query:
import Contentful.Query
alias Contentful.Delivery.Assets
{:ok, assets, total: 200}
= Assets
|> by(tags: [nin: "maps"])
|> fetch_all
@spec content_type( {Contentful.Delivery.Entries, list()}, String.t() | Contentful.ContentType.t() ) :: {Contentful.Delivery.Entries, list()}
adds a content_type
parameter for filtering sets of Contentful.Entry
by a Contentful.ContentType
, effectively allowing for scoping by content type.
will only work with Contentful.Delivery.Entries
at the moment.
alias Contentful.Delivery.Entries
Entries |> content_type("foobar") |> fetch_all
# translates in the background to
# also works with passing `Contentful.ContentType`:
my_content_type = %Contentful.ContentType{sys: %Contentful.SysData{id: "foobar"}}
Entries |> content_type(my_content_type) |> fetch_all
fetch_all(queryable, space \\ Configuration.get(:space_id), env \\ Configuration.get(:environment), api_key \\ Configuration.get(:access_token))
View Source@spec fetch_all({module(), list()}, String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, [struct()], [{:total, non_neg_integer()}]} | {:error, :rate_limit_exceeded, [{:wait_for, integer()}]} | {:error, atom(), [{:original_message, String.t()}]}
will resolve a query chain by eagerly calling the API and resolving the response immediately
alias Contentful.Delivery.Entries
{:ok, entries, total: _total_count_of_entries} =
Entries |> content_type("foobar") |> limit(1) |> fetch_all
fetch_one(queryable, id \\ nil, space \\ Configuration.get(:space_id), env \\ Configuration.get(:environment), api_key \\ Configuration.get(:access_token))
View Source@spec fetch_one(module(), String.t() | nil, String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, :rate_limit_exceeded, [{:wait_for, integer()}]} | {:error, atom(), [{:original_message, String.t()}]}
will resolve a query chain by eagerly calling the API asking for one entity
import Contentful.Query
alias Contentful.Delivery.{Spaces, Entries}
# Note: Spaces is the only Queryable that can be fetched without an id
Spaces |> fetch_one
# all others would throw an error, so an id has to be passed:
Entries |> fetch_one("my_entry_id")
@spec include( {Contentful.Delivery.Entries, list()}, integer() ) :: {Contentful.Delivery.Entries, list()}
adds the include
parameter to a query.
This allows for fetching associated items up to a collection of Contentful.Entry
The include
call will only work with Contentful.Delivery.Entries
, as it is meaningless to
other entities.
alias Contentful.Delivery.Entries
Entries |> include(2) |> fetch_all
# translates in the background to
adds the limit
parameter to a call, limiting the amount of entities returned.
The caller will still retreive the total amount of entities, if successful.
The limit defaults to 1000
, the maximum limit
allowed for API calls.
alias Contentful.Delivery.Assets
Assets |> limit(2) |> fetch_all
# translates in the background to
allows for full text search over all entries fields. The original nomenclature fromthe API docs is query
This has been renamed for clarity here.
import Contentful.Query
{Entries, [query: "Nyancat"]} = Entries |> search_full_text("Nyancat")
# or, with full `fetch_all`
{:ok, nyan_cats, total: 616} =
|> search_full_text("Nyancat")
|> fetch_all
@spec skip( {module(), list()}, non_neg_integer() ) :: {module(), list()}
adds the skip
parameter to API calls, allowing to skip over a number of entities, effectively
allowing the implementation of pagination if desired.
alias Contentful.Delivery.Assets
Assets |> skip(10) |> fetch_all
# translates in the background to a call to the API
stream(queryable, space \\ Configuration.get(:space_id), env \\ Configuration.get(:environment), api_key \\ Configuration.get(:access_token))
View Source@spec stream(tuple(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: Enumerable.t()
will resolve a query chain by constructing a Stream.resource
around a possible API response
allowing for lazy evaluation of queries. Cann be helpful with translating collection calls of
unknown size.
Be careful when using this, as one can run into API rate limits quickly for very large sets.
import Contentful.Query
alias Contentful.Delivery.{Assets, Spaces}
# translates into two api calls in the background
Assets |> stream |> Enum.take(2000)
# you can use limit() to set the page size, in the example, stream would call the API
# 10 times total.
Assets |> limit(100) |> Enum.take(1000)
# will not work with Spaces, though, as they is no collection endpoint