View Source Contentful.Request (Contentful SDK v0.6.0)
Encapsulates functions invloved in making a request towards the Contentful APIs.
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parses the options for retrieving a collection, usually triggered by a Contentful.Query.fetch_all/4
It will drop any option that is not in an allowed set of parameter options.
Builds the request headers for a request against the CDA, taking api access tokens into account
Link to this section Functions
@spec collection_query_params( limit: pos_integer(), skip: non_neg_integer(), include: non_neg_integer(), content_type: String.t(), query: String.t(), select_params: map() ) :: list()
parses the options for retrieving a collection, usually triggered by a Contentful.Query.fetch_all/4
It will drop any option that is not in an allowed set of parameter options.
[limit: 50, skip: 25, order: "foobar"]
= collection_query_params(limit: 50, baz: "foo", skip: 25, order: "foobar", bar: 42)
Also provides support for mapping out some of the API specific syntax in field handling.
[{:"[ne]", "foobar"}] = collection_query_params(select_params: [id: [ne: "foobar"]])
Builds the request headers for a request against the CDA, taking api access tokens into account
my_access_token = "foobarfoob4z"
"Authorization": "Bearer foobarfoob4z",
"User-Agent": "Contentful Elixir SDK",
"Accept": "application/json"
] = my_access_token |> headers()