API Reference ContEx v0.5.0



Contex is a pure Elixir server-side data-plotting / charting system that generates SVG output.

Contex.Axis represents the visual appearance of a Contex.Scale

Draws a barchart from a Contex.Dataset.

Maps categories to colours.

A linear scale to map continuous numeric data to a plotting coordinate system.

A logarithmic scale to map continuous numeric data to a plotting coordinate system.

Dataset is a simple wrapper around a datasource for plotting charts.

A gallery of Bar Charts.

A gallery of Pie Charts.

A gallery of Line Charts.

Renders plots to be used in ExDocs and tests.

Generates a Gantt Chart.

Protocol for generating a legend.

A simple point plot, plotting points showing y values against x values.

Mappings generalize the process of associating columns in the dataset to the elements of a plot. As part of creating a mapping, these associations are validated to confirm that a column has been assigned to each of the graphical elements that are necessary to draw the plot, and that all of the assigned columns exist in the dataset.

An ordinal scale to map discrete values (text or numeric) to a plotting coordinate system.

A Pie Chart that displays data in a circular graph.

Manages the layout of various plot elements, including titles, axis labels, legends etc and calculates appropriate margins depending on the options set.

Defines what a charting component needs to implement to be rendered within a Contex.Plot

A simple point plot, plotting points showing y values against x values.

Convenience functions for generating SVG output

Provides a common interface for scales generating plotting coordinates.

Here are common functions that can be shared between multiple scales.

Generates a simple pie chart from an array of tuples like {"Cat", 10.0}.

Generates a simple sparkline from an array of numbers.

A time scale to map date and time data to a plotting coordinate system.