DataQuacker v0.1.1 DataQuacker.Adapters.Identity View Source

This is an "identity adapter". It takes in a map with :headers and :rows as the keys.

This adapter is very useful for testing a particular schema, but can also be used as the actual adapter if needed.

Example source

  headers: ["First name", "Last name", "Age"],
  rows: [
    ["John", "Smith", "21"],
    # ...

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Takes in a map with :headers and :rows keys, where the value under :headers is a list of strings, and the value under :rows is a list of lists of anything.

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parse_source(source, opts)

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Takes in a map with :headers and :rows keys, where the value under :headers is a list of strings, and the value under :rows is a list of lists of anything.

Note: Each list in in the rows list must be of the same length as the headers list.