DataQuacker v0.1.1 DataQuacker.Schema View Source

Defines macros for creating data schemas which represents a mapping from the source to the desired output.

Note: To use the macros you have to put use DataQuacker.Schema in the desired module.

A schema can be defined to represent the structure of an arbitrarily nested map or list of maps. This is done with the schema/2, row/2 and field/3 macros. Additionally, there are two special macros: validate/1 and transform/1. Lastly, the source/1 and virtual_source/1 macros are used to define the data which should be inserted in a particular field. These allow for validation and transformation to be performed on a specific subset of the output data.

Note: the row/2 and field/3 macros represent the output structure, while the source/1 and virtual_source/1 macros reference the input data. Since both the input and the output can be said to have rows, the term "source row" is used in the documentation to denote a row in the input data. The term "row" is used to denote a row in the output.

All of the structure-defining macros take a block as their last argument which can be thought of as their "body". The schema/2 and field/2 macros also take a name as their first argument, and row/2 and field/3 take a keyword list of options as their first and second argument respectively.

More information can be found in the documentation for the specific macros.


Note: A fully working implementation of these examples can be found in the tests inside the "examples" directory.

Suppose we have a table of students in the form of a CSV file, which looks like this:

First nameLast nameAgeFavourite subject
Quackersthe Duck1Programming

Also suppose our desired output is a list of tuples with maps with the following structure:

{:ok, %{
  first_name: "...",
  last_name: "...",
  age: "...",
  favourite_subject: "..."

The mapping from the table to the list of maps can be represented as follows:

defmodule StudentsSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :students do
    field :first_name do
      source("first name")

    field :last_name do
      source("last name")

    field :age do

    field :favourite_subject do
      source("favourite subject")

This looks great (I hope!), but realistically we would like age to be an Integer, and favourite subject to be somehow validated. This can be achieved by modifying the previous schema, like this:

defmodule StudentsSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :students do
    field :first_name do
      source("first name")

    field :last_name do
      source("last name")

    field :age do
      transform(fn age ->
        case Integer.parse(age) do
          {age_int, _} -> {:ok, age_int}
          :error -> {:error, "Invalid value #{age} given"}


    field :favourite_subject do
      validate(fn subj -> subj in ["Maths", "Physics", "Programming"] end)

      source("favourite subject")

Now our result will be a list of maps, like:

  # ...
  {:ok, %{
    age: 123,
    # ...
  # ...

Note: To see how to use such schema to parse a CSV file, please see the example in the documentation for the DataQuacker module.

However if, for example, an invalid age is given, the entire row where the error occurred will result in the following tuple: {:error, "Invalid value blabla given"}

Great, but what if we have the "First name" and "Last name" columns in our CSV files, but only a :full_name field in our database? No problem, Fields can be arbitrarily nested.

It's just a small tweak:

defmodule StudentsSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :students do
    field :full_name do
      transform(fn %{first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name} ->
        {:ok, "#{first_name} #{last_name}"}

      field :first_name do
        source("first name")

      field :last_name do
        source("last name")

    # ...

Now our output is:

{:ok, [
  {:ok, %{
    full_name: "John Smith",
    # ...

To illustrate some more functionality, let's take a look at another example. We will start with a very simple CSV source file which will gradually become more and more complex, and so will our rules for parsing it.

Apartment/flat size (in m^2)Price per 1 month
defmodule PricingSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :pricing do
    field :size do
      transform(fn size ->
        case Integer.parse(size) do
          {size_int, _} -> {:ok, size_int}
          :error -> {:error, "Invalid value #{size} given"}

      source("Apartment/flat size (in m^2)")

    field :price do
      transform(fn price ->
        case Integer.parse(price) do
          {price_int, _} -> {:ok, price_int}
          :error -> {:error, "Invalid value #{price} given"}

      source("Price per 1 month")

The above results in:

  {:ok, %{size: 50, price: 1100}},
  {:ok, %{size: 40, price: 1000}}

Note: The rows in the result are in the reverse order compared to the source rows. This is because for large lists reversing may be an expensive operation, which is often redundant, for example if the result is supposed to be inserted in a database.

This schema could work, but there are some problems with it.

It's not fun to copy&paste the function for parsing string to int over and over again. That's why we'll create a regular function and pass a reference to it in both places.

defmodule PricingSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :pricing do
    field :size do
      # ...

    field :price do
      # ...

  def parse_int(str) do
    case Integer.parse(str) do
      {int, _} -> {:ok, int}
      :error -> {:error, "Invalid value #{str} given"}

Note: the reference to the function must be written out in full (including the module name), because it will be executed in a different context.

This is better, but still not ideal for two reasons. First of all, we source our data based on simple string matching. While this will still work if the casing in the headers changes, it will not if "Price per 1 month" changes to "Price for 1 month", or "Apartment/flat size (in m^2)" to "Apartment or flat size (in m^2)". Since most likely we do not have control over the source, these can change unexpectedly. Second of all, our error messages are quite vague since they do not specify the offending source row and field.

To tackle the first one we can change our source/1 macros to be either strings, regexes, lists of strings or custom functions. The details of each approach is specified in the docs for the source/1 macro, but for now we will just us a list of strings.

source("Apartment/flat size (in m^2)") -> source(["apartment", "size"])

source("Apartment/flat size (in m^2)") -> source(["price", "1"])

The above mean "match a header which contains apartment and size" and "match a header which contains apartment and 1".

Note: The order of the headers is inconsequential.

As for the second issue, transform can actually be given a one- or two-argument function. If it is given a one-argument function, the argument at execution will be the value of the field or row. If it is given a two-argument function, the second argument will be a %Context{} struct. Which contains the following fields: :metadata, :support_data, :source_row. Support data is an arbitrary value of any type that can be passed in at parse time. It can be used to, for example, validate something against a database without having to fetch the data for each row. More on that in the documentation of the DataQuacker module. For now, however, we only need metadata and source_row. The first one is a tuple of an atom and an atom or a tuple, where the first element is the type (:field or :row) and the second one is the name or index in the case of a row. The second one is just the index of the source row which is being processed.

Note: the term "source row" is used here to denote a row in the input file. The term row is used to denote a row of output.

We can therefore change our parse_int/1 function into

def parse_int(str, %{metadata: metadata, source_row: source_row}) do
  case Integer.parse(str) do
    {int, _} -> {:ok, int}
    :error -> {:error, "Error processing #{elem(metadata, 0)} #{elem(metadata, 1)} in row #{source_row}; '#{str}' given"}

An example error will look like this: {:error, "Error processing field price in row 2; 'oops' given"}

The next case we will be dealing with here is again a "small change" to the source file.

Apartment/flat size (in m^2)Price per 1 monthPrice per 3 months

Now each source row contains two different prices for different lease period. Additionally, for the bigger apartments there may only be an option to rent for three months.

We could create a schema to parse the data int rows like: %{size: 40, price_1: 1000, price_3: 2800}, but this is not ideal since we would have to deal with nil at :price_1, and we probably want separate rows in the database for each lease duration, as this will allow us to easily pull out the price for a specific size and lease duration using SQL indexes.

A better structure therefore would look like this

  # ...
  {:ok, %{size: 40, duration: 3, price: 2800}},
  {:ok, %{size: 40, duration: 1, price: 1000}}

This is where the row/2 macro comes in. It allows us to specify any number of output rows for a single input row. Previously we did not use this macro at all, since the lack of it implies there is exactly one output row per input row.

This is our new schema:

defmodule PricingSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :pricing do
    row skip_if: (fn %{price: price} -> is_nil(price) end) do
      field :size do

        source(["apartment", "size"])

      field :duration do

      field :price do

        source(["price", "1"])

    row do
      field :size do

        source(["apartment", "size"])

      field :duration do

      field :price do

        source(["price", "3"])

  def parse_int("", _), do: {:ok, nil}

  def parse_int(str, %{metadata: metadata, source_row: source_row}) do
    case Integer.parse(str) do
      {int, _} -> {:ok, int}
      :error -> {:error, "Error processing #{elem(metadata, 0)} #{elem(metadata, 1)} in row #{source_row}; '#{str}' given"}

There are a few new interesting things going on here.

Firstly, as we can see, any column in the source can be inserted multiple times within the schema. This is particularly useful if for a single input row we want to have multiple output rows which share some of the fields.

Secondly, we added a new field :duration which instead of being sourced from the input data is just a static value. We achieved it with the virtual_source/1 macro which either takes a value or a function returning a value to be injected into the field. This is useful for us to be able to make the output structure as close to our database model as we can.

Note: There is a special case in the parse_int/2 function to return nil on empty input, because Integer.parse/2 will return an error given an empty string.

Lastly, we added a special option to the first output row, called skip_if. The function we provided will be evaluated for each output row representing a one-month lease price, and if it returns true the row will not appear in the actual result.

Using our latest schema and the CSV presented above, we get this result:

{:ok, [
  {:ok, %{duration: 3, price: 3600, size: 60}},
  {:ok, %{duration: 3, price: 3000, size: 50}},
  {:ok, %{duration: 1, price: 1100, size: 50}},
  {:ok, %{duration: 3, price: 2800, size: 40}},
  {:ok, %{duration: 1, price: 1000, size: 40}}

The last case is about multiple transformations on the same field.

Our source file has changed again, so that it includes some non-integer prices. We could just switch our usage of Integer.parse/2 to Decimal.parse/1, but there is a catch: Decimal.parse/1 expects . (dot) to be the decimal separator, and our source uses , (comma). For this reason we will need to first replace the commas with periods, and then convert.

As the transformer we provide for the :price field is an arbitrary Elixir function, we could do both of those operations at once. That would work, but for schemas which have very complex transformation and validation rules, the function could get bloated quickly.

The goal of this library is to avoid that complexity, and allow for easy understanding of the custom rules. This is why it's recommended to split te transformers into multiple functions.

Let's create two functions: parse_decimal/2 and replace_commas/1.

Note: To follow this example you will have to install the Decimal library, which you can find at

def replace_commas(str) do
  {:ok, String.replace(str, ",", ".")}

def parse_decimal("", _), do: {:ok, nil}

def parse_decimal(str, %{metadata: metadata, source_row: source_row}) do
  case Decimal.parse(str) do
    {:ok, decimal} -> {:ok, decimal}
    :error -> {:error, "Error processing #{elem(metadata, 0)} #{elem(metadata, 1)} in row #{source_row}; '#{str}' given"}

We can now change our :price fields to use these functions:

# ...

field :price do

  source(["price", "1"])

# ...

field :price do

  source(["price", "3"])

# ...

Note: Different transformers for the same field or row may take different numbers of arguments, depending on whether the context is needed in the particular function.

The final schema should look like this:

defmodule PricingSchema do
  use DataQuacker.Schema

  schema :pricing do
    row skip_if: (fn %{price: price} -> is_nil(price) end) do
      field :size do

        source(["apartment", "size"])

      field :duration do

      field :price do

        source(["price", "1"])

    row do
      field :size do

        source(["apartment", "size"])

      field :duration do

      field :price do

        source(["price", "3"])

  def parse_int("", _), do: {:ok, nil}

  def parse_int(str, %{metadata: metadata, source_row: source_row}) do
    case Integer.parse(str) do
      {int, _} -> {:ok, int}
      :error -> {:error, "Error processing #{elem(metadata, 0)} #{elem(metadata, 1)} in row #{source_row}; '#{str}' given"}

  def replace_commas(str) do
    {:ok, String.replace(str, ",", ".")}

  def parse_decimal("", _), do: {:ok, nil}

  def parse_decimal(str, %{metadata: metadata, source_row: source_row}) do
    case Decimal.parse(str) do
      {:ok, decimal} -> {:ok, decimal}
      :error -> {:error, "Error processing #{elem(metadata, 0)} #{elem(metadata, 1)} in row #{source_row}; '#{str}' given"}

Link to this section Summary


Defines an output field. Can be used inside a schema, a row or another field. Can only be used directly inside a schema if the schema has no explicitly defined rows. Can only be used inside another field if that field has no source.

Defines an output row. Can only be used directly inside a schema, and only if the schema has no fields directly inside it.

Defines a schema and a schema_structure/1 function which takes the schema name as the argument and returns the schema in a form that can be passed to a parser.

Defines a source mapping from the input. Can only be used inside a field, and only if that field does not define any subfields or any other source.

Defines a data transformer for a field or row. Can only be used inside a field or row.

Defines a validator for a field or row. Can only be used inside a field or row.

Defines a value to be injected to a particular field. Can only be used inside a field, and only if that field does not define any subfields or any other source.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this macro

field(name, opts \\ [], arg3)

View Source (macro)

Defines an output field. Can be used inside a schema, a row or another field. Can only be used directly inside a schema if the schema has no explicitly defined rows. Can only be used inside another field if that field has no source.

This macro takes in a name, a keyword list of options, and a block within which the subfields or source, and validators and transformers can be specified. Can either specify exactly one source (virtual or regular) or subfields.


  • :skip_if - a function of arity 1 or 2, which returns true or false given the value of the field and optionally the context; true means the field should be skipped from the output, false is a "noop"

Note: The order of execution is always: transformers, then validators, then "skip_if"

Link to this macro

row(opts \\ [], list)

View Source (macro)

Defines an output row. Can only be used directly inside a schema, and only if the schema has no fields directly inside it.

This macro takes in a keyword list of options, and a block within which the fields, validators and transformers can be specified.


  • :skip_if - a function of arity 1 or 2, which returns true or false given the value of the row and optionally the context; true means the row should be skipped from the output, false is a "noop"

Note: The order of execution is always: transformers, then validators, then "skip_if".

Link to this macro

schema(name, list)

View Source (macro)

Defines a schema and a schema_structure/1 function which takes the schema name as the argument and returns the schema in a form that can be passed to a parser.

Multiple schemas can be defined in a single module.

The result structure is a map with the following types:

  __name__: atom(),
  rows: list(),
  matchers: list()

The macro takes in a name and a block with which the rows, fields, etc. can be defined. The block must contain at least one row. Note, however, that if no row is explicitly specified, but at least one field is, the schema is assumed to have exactly one row which contains all of the fields.

Note: if one or many fields are present directly inside the schema, the row macro cannot be used explicitly. The same is true the other way around - if at least one row is specified explicitly, fields can only appear inside rows, not directly in the schema.

Unlike row/2 and field/3, the schema/2 macro cannot have validators or transformers. If there is only one row, but it needs to define validators or transformers, the schema must define this row explicitly.

Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Defines a source mapping from the input. Can only be used inside a field, and only if that field does not define any subfields or any other source.

This macro takes in either a "needle" which can be string, a regex, a list of strings, or a function of arity 1 or 2.


  • when is a string - the downcased header name for a particular column must contain the downcased string given as the needle for the column to match
  • when is a regex - the header name for a particular column must match the needle for the column to match
  • when is a list of strings - the downcase header name for a particular column must contain all of the downcased elements given as the needle for the column to match
  • when is a function - given the header name for a particular column, and optionally the context, must return true for the column to match; the function must always return true or false
Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Defines a data transformer for a field or row. Can only be used inside a field or row.

This macro takes in a function of arity 1 or 2, which will be applied to the value of the row or the field where the transformer was defined. Multiple transformers are allowed, and will be executed in the order in which they are defined.

Note: To use transformers on a row, the row must be defined explicitly. Implicit rows cannot have transformers.


  • when is a function - given the field's or row's value and optionally the context, must return either {:ok, any()}, {:error, any()} or :error, where {:ok, any()} is the success typing and {:error, any()}, and :error are the error typing; the second element of the success tuple is taken to be the new value of the row or field; the entire output row will be an error row if any validation inside it or inside its fields fails

Defines a validator for a field or row. Can only be used inside a field or row.

This macro takes in a function of arity 1 or 2, which will be applied to the value of the row or the field where the validator was defined. Multiple validators are allowed, and will be executed in the order in which they are defined.

Note: To use validators on a row, the row must be defined explicitly. Implicit rows cannot have validators.


  • when is a function - given the field's or row's value and optionally the context, must return either true, false, :ok, :error or a tuple {:error, any()}, where true and ok are the success typing, and false, :error and {:error, any()} are the error typing; the entire output row will be an error row if any validation inside it or inside its fields fails
Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Defines a value to be injected to a particular field. Can only be used inside a field, and only if that field does not define any subfields or any other source.

This macro takes in either a literal value, or a function of arity 0 or 1.


  • when is a function - optionally given the context, can return any value to be injected inside the field
  • else - the value is injected inside the field "as is"