API Reference Doctor v0.21.0



Doctor is a utility which aims to provide insights into the health of your project's documentation. In addition to be a useful development time tool, Doctor can also be useful during CI/CD and can block merges and releases if the documentation coverage is not up to spec.

Provides the various CLI task entry points and CLI arg parsing.

This module defines a struct which houses all the configuration data for Doctor.

This module defines a struct which houses all the documentation data for module functions.

This module defines a struct which houses all the documentation data for an entire module.

This module exposes a struct which encapsulates all the results for a doctor report. Whether the module has a moduledoc, what the doc coverage is, the number of author defined functions, and so on.

This module provides some utility functions for use in report generators.

Defines the behaviour for a reporter

This reporter generates a full documentation coverage report and lists all the files in the project along with whether they pass or fail.

This module produces a report for a single project module. This is useful when you need to figure out exactly why a particular module failed validation. The only validations that are taken into account during this report are single module validations. In other words, the only thing that is checked are things that pertain to a single module like

This module provides convenience functions for use when generating reports

This reporter generates a full documentation coverage report and lists all the files in the project along with whether they pass or fail.

This reporter generates a short summary documentation coverage report and lists overall how many modules passed/failed.

This module defines a struct which houses all the documentation data for function specs.


Mix Tasks

Doctor is a command line utility that can be used to ensure that your project documentation remains healthy. For more in depth documentation on Doctor or to file bug/feature requests, please check out https://github.com/akoutmos/doctor.

Figuring out why a particular module failed Doctor validation can sometimes be a bit difficult when the relevant information is embedded within a table with other validation results.

Doctor is a command line utility that can be used to ensure that your project documentation remains healthy. For more in depth documentation on Doctor or to file bug/feature requests, please check out https://github.com/akoutmos/doctor.