View Source mix doctor (Doctor v0.21.0)

Doctor is a command line utility that can be used to ensure that your project documentation remains healthy. For more in depth documentation on Doctor or to file bug/feature requests, please check out

The mix doctor command supports the following CLI flags (all of these options and more are also configurable from your .doctor.exs file). The following CLI flags are supported:

--config_file  Provide a relative or absolute path to a `.doctor.exs`
               file to use during the execution of the mix command.

--full         When generating a Doctor report of your project, use
               the Doctor.Reporters.Full reporter.

--short        When generating a Doctor report of your project, use
               the Doctor.Reporters.Short reporter.

--summary      When generating a Doctor report of your project, use
               the Doctor.Reporters.Summary reporter.

--raise        If any of your modules fails Doctor validation, then
               raise an error and return a non-zero exit status.

--failed       If set, only the failed modules will be reported. Works with
               --full and --short options.

--umbrella     By default, in an umbrella project, each app will be
               evaluated independently against the specified thresholds
               in your .doctor.exs file. This flag changes that behavior
               by aggregating the results of all your umbrella apps,
               and then comparing those results to the configured