View Source Changelog


[0.7.0] - 2024-07-24


  • Use private field_description, field_errors, and label components in field component. Apply base class to field_description and field_errors components.
  • Use plain div with {base_class}-frame class instead of nested frame component in image component. This div does not receive the ratio attribute anymore. Apply the ratio with a CSS selector on the root div instead (e.g. > .image-frame).


  • field_description component.
  • field_errors component.
  • label component.

[0.6.0] - 2024-07-23



  • Replace all function components defined in Doggo with build macros in Doggo.Components. This allows you to customize the modifier attributes, component names, base classes, and some other options at compile time.
  • Make modifier class name builder configurable.
  • Rename build macro for former input component to field.
  • Configure Gettext module for field component (formerly input) via compile-time option instead of global attribute.
  • Allow to set required text and required title attributes for input and label.
  • Add module argument to mix dog.modifiers that points to the module in which the Doggo components are configured.
  • Replace placeholder attribute with placeholder_src and placeholder_content attributes in avatar component.
  • Replace phx-feedback-for attribute in favor of Phoenix.Component.used_input?/1.
  • Don't use h2 for Doggo.page_header/1 sub title.
  • Nest vertical_nav_nested component into <div>.
  • Rename drawer-nav-title class in vertical_nav_nested component to be based on configured component name (default: vertical-nav-nested-title).
  • Better consistency, various improvements and optimizations in all components.
  • Revise The component type classification.
  • Add maturity levels for all components (experimental, developing, refining, stable).
  • Require live_view ~> 1.0.0-rc.6.


Upgrade Guide

  1. For all Doggo components you were using, call the corresponding build macros in Doggo.Components in one of your modules and update your HEEx templates to call the generated functions instead of the ones from the Doggo module. See readme for installation details.
  2. The previous Doggo version instructed you to configure a separate Storybook that reads the stories from the priv folder of the dependency. Remove that second Storybook and run mix dog.gen.stories -m [component-module] -o [storybook-folder] -a to generate stories for the configured Doggo components in the primary Storybook.
  3. If you use mix dog.modifiers in a script, add the --module argument.
  4. If you were setting the gettext attribute on the input component, pass the gettext_module option to Doggo.Components.build_field/1 instead.

[0.5.0] - 2024-02-12


  • New component: Doggo.alert_dialog/1.
  • New component: Doggo.carousel/1.
  • New component: Doggo.combobox/1.
  • New component: Doggo.disclosure_button/1.
  • New component:
  • New component: Doggo.menu_bar/1.
  • New component: Doggo.menu_button/1.
  • New component: Doggo.menu_group/1.
  • New component: Doggo.menu_item/1.
  • New component: Doggo.menu_item_checkbox/1.
  • New component: Doggo.menu_item_radio_group/1.
  • New component: Doggo.radio_group/1.
  • New component: Doggo.split_pane/1.
  • New component: Doggo.tabs/1.
  • New component: Doggo.toolbar/1.
  • New component: Doggo.tree/1.
  • Storybook page about modifier classes.
  • Mix task mix dog.modifiers to list all modifier classes.


  • Set aria-invalid and aria-errormessage attributes in Doggo.input/1 component.
  • Use buttons instead of links in Doggo.action_bar/1.
  • Add toolbar role to Doggo.action_bar/1.
  • Use section instead of article in Doggo.modal/1.
  • Use button for close button in Doggo.modal/1.
  • Add dismissable attribute to Doggo.modal/1.
  • Remove role from button_link/1, add class.
  • Rename Doggo.drawer/1 slots to header, main, and footer.
  • Rename Doggo.drawer_nav/1, Doggo.drawer_nav_nested/1 and Doggo.drawer_nav_section to Doggo.vertical_nav/1, Doggo.vertical_nav_nested/1 and Doggo.vertical_nav_section/1.
  • Depend on phoenix_storybook ~> 0.6.0.

[0.4.0] - 2023-12-31


  • New component: Doggo.cluster/1.
  • New component: Doggo.toggle_button/1.


  • Significant changes to Doggo.alert/1 and Doggo.flash_group/1.
  • Require id attribute for Doggo.callout/1.
  • Add :normal as size for Doggo.icon_sprite/1.
  • Remove :error variant in favor of :danger.
  • Add <span> around text placeholder for Doggo.avatar/1.
  • Add base class to Doggo.image/1, add class attribute.
  • Rename Doggo.frame/1 ratio classes from x-to-x to x-by-x.
  • Add required label attribute to Doggo.navbar/1.
  • Add class attribute to :item slot of Doggo.navbar_items/1.
  • Add required_title attribute to Doggo.label/1.
  • Change description attribute of Doggo.field_description/1 to inner block.
  • Require id attribute for Doggo.drawer_section/1.
  • Add aria-labelledby attribute to Doggo.drawer_section/1.
  • Require id and label attributes for Doggo.drawer_nav/1.
  • Add class attribute to Doggo.drawer_nav item slot.
  • Require id attribute for Doggo.drawer_nested_nav/1.
  • Add class attribute to Doggo.drawer_nested_nav item slot.
  • Add close_label attribute to Doggo.modal/1.


  • Box header not rendered if only action slot is used without banner or title.
  • Aria label of breadcrumb component not overridable.
  • Radio groups and checkbox groups always marked as required.
  • Missing datalist option text.

[0.3.1] - 2023-12-28


  • Allow event name as string in on_click attributes of app bar and steps.


  • Faulty application of the on_click attribute in Doggo.steps/1.

[0.3.0] - 2023-12-27


  • New component: Doggo.avatar/1.
  • New component: Doggo.badge/1.
  • New component: Doggo.bottom_navigation/1.
  • New component:
  • New component: Doggo.callout/1.
  • New component: Doggo.fab/1.
  • New component: Doggo.field_group/1.
  • New component: Doggo.page_header/1.
  • New component: Doggo.skeleton/1.
  • New component: Doggo.steps/1.
  • New component: Doggo.tag/1.
  • New component: Doggo.tooltip/1.
  • Allow to visually hide labels.
  • Support autocomplete via <datalist> in input/1 component.
  • addon_left and addon_right slots on the input/1 component.
  • gettext attribute on Doggo.input/1, giving you the choice to set the Gettext module locally.

[0.2.1] - 2023-12-19


  • Ensure compatibility with Phoenix.HTML 4.0.

[0.2.0] - 2023-12-17


  • New tab_navigation/1 component.
  • New frame/1 component.
  • New image/1 component.

[0.1.5] - 2023-12-16


  • Remove default value for errors attribute on input component.

[0.1.4] - 2023-12-16


  • Added storybook stories for the remaining components.


  • Errors passed as an attribute to the input/1 component were overridden.
  • The field_description/1 component had a stray <li> tag.

[0.1.3] - 2023-12-15


  • Added priv/storybook folder to package configuration.

[0.1.2] - 2023-12-14


  • Added more storybook stories.


  • Fixed attribute name for table rows.

[0.1.1] - 2023-12-13


  • Storybook stories for more components and documentation improvements.

[0.1.0] - 2023-12-13

Initial release.