View Source Dune.Allowlist behaviour (dune v0.3.10)

Behaviour to customize the modules and functions that are allowed or restricted.

Warning: security considerations

The default implementation is Dune.Allowlist.Default, and should only allow safe functions: no atom leaks, no execution of arbitrary code, no access to the filesystem / network... Defining or extending a custom Dune.Allowlist module can introduce security risks or bugs.

Please also note that using custom allowlists is still experimental and the API for it might change faster than the rest of the library.

Defining a new allowlist

In order to define a custom allowlist from scratch, use Dune.Allowlist can be used:

defmodule CustomAllowlist do
  use Dune.Allowlist

  allow Kernel, only: [:+, :*, :-, :/, :div, :rem]

Dune.eval_string("4 + 9", allowlist: CustomAllowlist)

Extending an existing allowlist

Defining an allowlist from scratch can be both daunting and risky. It is possible to extend an exisiting allowlist instead using the extend option:

defmodule ExtendedAllowlist do
  use Dune.Allowlist, extend: Dune.Allowlist.Default

  allow SomeModule, only: [:authorized]

Dune.eval_string("SomeModule.authorized(123)", allowlist: ExtendedAllowlist)

Note: currently, it is not possible to add or restrict functions from modules that have already been specified.

Documentation generation

The list of modules and functions with their status can be generated in the @moduledoc. An example can be found in the Dune.Allowlist.Default documentation.

If the __DUNE_ALLOWLIST_FUNCTIONS__ string is found in the @moduledoc string, it will be replaced.

defmodule CustomAllowlist do
  @moduledoc """
  Only allows simple arithmetic

  ## Allowlist functions


  use Dune.Allowlist

  allow Kernel, only: [:+, :*, :-, :/, :div, :rem]



Returns the trust status of a function or macro, specified as a module, fun_name and arity (mfa)


Adds a new module to the allowlist and specifices which functions to use.

Validates the fact that a module implements the Dune.Allowlist behaviour.


@type status() :: :allowed | :restricted | {:shimmed, module(), atom()}


Link to this callback

fun_status(module, atom, non_neg_integer)

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@callback fun_status(module(), atom(), non_neg_integer()) :: status()

Returns the trust status of a function or macro, specified as a module, fun_name and arity (mfa):

  • :allowed if can be safely use
  • :restricted if its usage should be forbidden
  • a {:shimmed, module, function_name} if the function call should be replaced with an alternative implementation


Link to this macro

allow(module, status)

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Adds a new module to the allowlist and specifices which functions to use.

The module must not be already specified in the allowlist.

Must be called after use Dune.Allowlist.


# allow all functions in a module
allow Time, :all

# only allow specific functions
allow Function, only: [:identity]

# exclude specific functions
allow Calendar, except: [:put_time_zone_database]

Note: only and except will cover all arities if several functions share a name.

Link to this function


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@spec ensure_implements_behaviour!(module()) :: module()

Validates the fact that a module implements the Dune.Allowlist behaviour.

Raises if not the case.


iex> Dune.Allowlist.ensure_implements_behaviour!(DoesNotExists)
** (ArgumentError) could not load module DoesNotExists due to reason :nofile

iex> Dune.Allowlist.ensure_implements_behaviour!(List)
** (ArgumentError) List does not implement the Dune.Allowlist behaviour