Ecto v0.14.3
Modules summary ↑
Ecto | Ecto is split into 3 main components: |
Ecto.Adapter | This module specifies the adapter API that an adapter is required to implement |
Ecto.Adapter.Migration | Specifies the adapter migrations API |
Ecto.Adapter.Storage | Specifies the adapter storage API |
Ecto.Adapter.Transaction | Specifies the adapter transactions API |
Ecto.Adapters.Connection | Behaviour for adapters that rely on connections |
Ecto.Adapters.MySQL | Adapter module for MySQL |
Ecto.Adapters.Postgres | Adapter module for PostgreSQL |
Ecto.Adapters.SQL | Behaviour and implementation for SQL adapters |
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Query | Specifies the behaviour to be implemented by the connection for handling all SQL queries |
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox | Start a pool with a single sandboxed SQL connection |
Ecto.Association.BelongsTo | The association struct for a |
Ecto.Association.Has | The association struct for |
Ecto.Association.HasThrough | The association struct for |
Ecto.Association.NotLoaded | Struct returned by one to one associations when there are not loaded |
Ecto.Changeset | Changesets allow filtering, casting and validation of model changes |
Ecto.Date | An Ecto type for dates |
Ecto.DateTime | An Ecto type that includes a date and a time |
Ecto.LogEntry | |
Ecto.Migration | Migrations are used to modify your database schema over time |
Ecto.Migration.Index | Defines an index struct used in migrations |
Ecto.Migration.Reference | Defines a reference struct used in migrations |
Ecto.Migration.Table | Defines a table struct used in migrations |
Ecto.Migrator | This module provides the migration API |
Ecto.Model | Provides convenience functions for defining and working with models |
Ecto.Model.Autogenerate | Handle autogenerate columns via callbacks |
Ecto.Model.Callbacks | Define module-level callbacks in models |
Ecto.Model.Dependent | Defines callbacks for handling dependencies (associations) |
Ecto.Model.OptimisticLock | Facilities for using the optimistic-locking technique |
Ecto.Model.Timestamps | Automatically manage timestamps |
Ecto.Pool | Behaviour for using a pool of connections |
Ecto.Pools.Poolboy | Start a pool of connections using |
Ecto.Pools.SojournBroker | Start a pool of connections using |
Ecto.Pools.SojournBroker.CoDel | CoDel based broker |
Ecto.Pools.SojournBroker.Timeout | Timeout based broker |
Ecto.Query | Provides the Query DSL |
Ecto.Repo | Defines a repository |
Ecto.Schema | Defines a schema for a model |
Ecto.Schema.Metadata | Stores metadata of a struct |
Ecto.Storage | Convenience functions around the data store of a repository |
Ecto.Time | An Ecto type for time |
Ecto.Type | Defines functions and the |
Ecto.UUID | An Ecto type for UUIDs strings |
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Create | Create the storage for the repository |
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Drop | Drop the storage for the repository |
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Gen.Migration | Generates a migration |
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Gen.Repo | Generates a new repository |
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Migrate | Runs the pending migrations for the given repository |
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Rollback | Reverts applied migrations in the given repository |
Exceptions summary ↑
Ecto.CastError | Raised at runtime when a value cannot be cast |
Ecto.ChangeError | |
Ecto.InvalidChangesetError | Raised when we cannot perform an action because the changeset is invalid |
Ecto.InvalidURLError | |
Ecto.MigrationError | |
Ecto.MissingPrimaryKeyError | |
Ecto.MultipleResultsError | |
Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyError | |
Ecto.NoResultsError | |
Ecto.Query.CompileError | Raised at compilation time when the query cannot be compiled |
Ecto.QueryError | Raised at runtime when the query is invalid |
Ecto.StaleModelError |
Protocols summary ↑
Ecto.Queryable | Converts a data structure into an |