View Source EctoCommons.DateValidator (Ecto Commons v0.3.6)

This module provides validators for Dates.

You can use the following checks:

  • :is to check if a Date is exactly some Date. You can also provide a :delta option (in days) to specify a delta around which the Date is still considered identical.
  • :before to check if a Date is before some Date
  • :after to check if a Date is after some Date

You can also combine the given checks for complex checks. Errors won't be stacked though, the first error encountered will be returned and subsequent checks will be skipped. If you want to check everything at once, you'll need to call this validator multiple times.

Also, instead of providing a Date, you can also provide some special atoms:

  • :utc_today will compare the given Date with the Date at runtime, by calling Date.utc_today().


iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

# Using :is to ensure a date is identical to another date
iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, is: ~D[2016-05-24])
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, is: ~D[2017-05-24])
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [birthdate: {"should be %{is}.", [validation: :date, kind: :is]}], data: %{}, valid?: false>

# Using :is with :delta to ensure a date is near another another date
iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-20]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, is: ~D[2016-05-24], delta: 7)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-20]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-04-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, is: ~D[2016-05-24], delta: 7)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-04-24]}, errors: [birthdate: {"should be %{is}.", [validation: :date, kind: :is]}], data: %{}, valid?: false>

# Using :before to ensure date is before given date
iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, before: ~D[2017-05-24])
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, before: ~D[2015-05-24])
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [birthdate: {"should be before %{before}.", [validation: :date, kind: :before]}], data: %{}, valid?: false>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, before: :utc_today)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[3000-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, before: :utc_today)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[3000-05-24]}, errors: [birthdate: {"should be before %{before}.", [validation: :date, kind: :before]}], data: %{}, valid?: false>

# Using :after to ensure date is after given date
iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, after: ~D[2015-05-24])
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, after: ~D[2017-05-24])
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[2016-05-24]}, errors: [birthdate: {"should be after %{after}.", [validation: :date, kind: :after]}], data: %{}, valid?: false>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[3000-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, after: :utc_today)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[3000-05-24]}, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true>

iex> types = %{birthdate: :date}
iex> params = %{birthdate: ~D[1000-05-24]}
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, params, Map.keys(types))
...> |> validate_date(:birthdate, after: :utc_today)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{birthdate: ~D[1000-05-24]}, errors: [birthdate: {"should be after %{after}.", [validation: :date, kind: :after]}], data: %{}, valid?: false>



Link to this function

validate_date(changeset, field, opts \\ [])

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