View Source EdgeDB.MultiRange (EdgeDB v0.7.0)

A value representing a collection of ranges.

EdgeDB.MultiRange implements Enumerable protocol for iterating over the collection. Each range in the collection is an instance of the EdgeDB.Range.t/0 struct.

iex(1)> {:ok, client} = EdgeDB.start_link()
iex(2)> EdgeDB.query_required_single!(client, "select multirange([range(1, 10)])")
#EdgeDB.MultiRange<[#EdgeDB.Range<[1, 10)>]>




A value of EdgeDB.MultiRange.value/0 type representing a collection of intervals of values.

A value of EdgeDB.MultiRange.value/0 type representing a collection of intervals of values.

A type that is acceptable by EdgeDB ranges.


Create a new multirange.

Create a new multirange from enumerable.


@type t() :: t(value())

A value of EdgeDB.MultiRange.value/0 type representing a collection of intervals of values.

@opaque t(value)

A value of EdgeDB.MultiRange.value/0 type representing a collection of intervals of values.

@type value() :: EdgeDB.Range.value()

A type that is acceptable by EdgeDB ranges.


@spec new() :: t()

Create a new multirange.

Link to this function


View Source (since 0.7.0)
@spec new(Enumerable.t(EdgeDB.Range.t(v))) :: t(v) when v: value()

Create a new multirange from enumerable.